Yorke – Studies for Double Bass Vol.1
€14,50€16,10 (-10%)
Both volumes 1 & 2 have well over 100 short studies and exercises, some of which are five or six movement pieces, all in different keys.
Rule Britannia
And Now Our Little Play is Done-from The Coffee Ca
Come Neighbours All-from The Peasant Cantata
My Heart Ever Faithful-from Cantata No. 68
Of Flowers the Fairest-from The Peasant Cantata
Orchestral Study: Suite in D major
Study in Eb
Orchestral Study: Symphony No. 2
Orchestral Study: Symphony No. 4
Orchestral Study: Symphony No. 7
A minor Major Study
Bowing Studyin 3/8
Semiquaver Study
Study in D major
Study in D minor
Study in E minor
Study in E minor
Study in G minor
Broomleigh Suite: (1) Lord Broomleigh His Alman
Broomleigh Suite: (2) Courante
Broomleigh Suite: (3) Sarabande
Broomleigh Suite: (4) Ladye Broomleigh Her Pavane
Broomleigh Suite: (5) Galliard
Broomleigh Suite: (6) Gigue
How Beautiful are the Feet-from The Messiah
The Lass of Richmond Hill
Orchestral Study: Symphony No. 4
A major Arpeggio and Bowing Exercise
A minor Arpeggio and Bowing Exercises
Ab major Arpeggio and Bowing Exercises
B major Arpeggio and Bowing Exercises
B minor Arpeggio and Bowing Exercises
Bb major Arpeggio and Bowing Exercises
Bb major Scale and Exercise
Bb minor Arpeggio and Bowing Exercises
Bowing Exercise in 3/4
Bowing Exercise in 4/4
Bowing Exercise in 6/8
E major Arpeggio and Bowing Exercise
E minor Arpeggio and Bowing Exercises
F major Arpeggio and Bowing Exercises
F minor Arpeggio and Bowing Exercise
F# major and Gb major Arpeggios and Bowing Exercis
F# minor Arpeggio and Bowing Exercise
G major Arpeggio and Bowing Exercises
G minor Arpeggio and Bowing Exercise
G# minor Arpeggio and Bowing Exercises
Study in D minor
Study in Half Position
Sonata K 331
Little Study No. 10
Little Study No. 2
Little Study No. 3
Little Study No.9
Six Little Twelve-Tone Studies
I Attempt from Love’s Sickness to Fly
Orchestral Study: Overture Otello
Mock Scotch
Study in G major
Bowing Exercise: Crossing Strings (2)
Gavotte-from The Gondoliers
Orchestral Study
Orchestral Study: The Pirates of Penzance
Among the Men Coquets We Find-fronm The Beggar’s O
Barbara Allen
Barney Brallaghan
Begone Dull Care
Believe me, if all those Endearing Young Charms
Bobby Shaftoe
Britsih National Anthem
Caller Herrin’
Cease Your Funning-from The Beggar’s Opera
Down Among the Dead Men
Frere Jacques
Irish Merrymaking
It Was a Lover and his Lass
Paddy Whack
So Early in the Morning
Strawberry Fair
The Bailiff’s Daughter
The Croydon Frisk
The Curly-Headed Ploughboy
The Dark Eyed Sailor
The Fairy Dance
The Grinders
The Lincolnshire Poacher
The Miller of Dee
The Perfect Cure
The Rat Catcher’s Daughter
The Triumph
This Old Man
What Can the Matter Be?
Ye Banks and Braes
Happy Blues
Israeli Dance
Japanese Lullaby
Orchestral Study: Overture Oberon
Chromatic Study
Study in B major
Study in D minor
Study in F minor
Study in G# minor
Arrangers: Rodney Slatford, John Walton
Score Pages: 40
Language: English, German
Publisher: Yorke Edition
Rule Britannia
And Now Our Little Play is Done-from The Coffee Ca
Come Neighbours All-from The Peasant Cantata
My Heart Ever Faithful-from Cantata No. 68
Of Flowers the Fairest-from The Peasant Cantata
Orchestral Study: Suite in D major
Study in Eb
Orchestral Study: Symphony No. 2
Orchestral Study: Symphony No. 4
Orchestral Study: Symphony No. 7
A minor Major Study
Bowing Studyin 3/8
Semiquaver Study
Study in D major
Study in D minor
Study in E minor
Study in E minor
Study in G minor
Broomleigh Suite: (1) Lord Broomleigh His Alman
Broomleigh Suite: (2) Courante
Broomleigh Suite: (3) Sarabande
Broomleigh Suite: (4) Ladye Broomleigh Her Pavane
Broomleigh Suite: (5) Galliard
Broomleigh Suite: (6) Gigue
How Beautiful are the Feet-from The Messiah
The Lass of Richmond Hill
Orchestral Study: Symphony No. 4
A major Arpeggio and Bowing Exercise
A minor Arpeggio and Bowing Exercises
Ab major Arpeggio and Bowing Exercises
B major Arpeggio and Bowing Exercises
B minor Arpeggio and Bowing Exercises
Bb major Arpeggio and Bowing Exercises
Bb major Scale and Exercise
Bb minor Arpeggio and Bowing Exercises
Bowing Exercise in 3/4
Bowing Exercise in 4/4
Bowing Exercise in 6/8
E major Arpeggio and Bowing Exercise
E minor Arpeggio and Bowing Exercises
F major Arpeggio and Bowing Exercises
F minor Arpeggio and Bowing Exercise
F# major and Gb major Arpeggios and Bowing Exercis
F# minor Arpeggio and Bowing Exercise
G major Arpeggio and Bowing Exercises
G minor Arpeggio and Bowing Exercise
G# minor Arpeggio and Bowing Exercises
Study in D minor
Study in Half Position
Sonata K 331
Little Study No. 10
Little Study No. 2
Little Study No. 3
Little Study No.9
Six Little Twelve-Tone Studies
I Attempt from Love’s Sickness to Fly
Orchestral Study: Overture Otello
Mock Scotch
Study in G major
Bowing Exercise: Crossing Strings (2)
Gavotte-from The Gondoliers
Orchestral Study
Orchestral Study: The Pirates of Penzance
Among the Men Coquets We Find-fronm The Beggar’s O
Barbara Allen
Barney Brallaghan
Begone Dull Care
Believe me, if all those Endearing Young Charms
Bobby Shaftoe
Britsih National Anthem
Caller Herrin’
Cease Your Funning-from The Beggar’s Opera
Down Among the Dead Men
Frere Jacques
Irish Merrymaking
It Was a Lover and his Lass
Paddy Whack
So Early in the Morning
Strawberry Fair
The Bailiff’s Daughter
The Croydon Frisk
The Curly-Headed Ploughboy
The Dark Eyed Sailor
The Fairy Dance
The Grinders
The Lincolnshire Poacher
The Miller of Dee
The Perfect Cure
The Rat Catcher’s Daughter
The Triumph
This Old Man
What Can the Matter Be?
Ye Banks and Braes
Happy Blues
Israeli Dance
Japanese Lullaby
Orchestral Study: Overture Oberon
Chromatic Study
Study in B major
Study in D minor
Study in F minor
Study in G# minor
Arrangers: Rodney Slatford, John Walton
Score Pages: 40
Language: English, German
Publisher: Yorke Edition