
  • Szymanowski – The Most Beautiful

    Piano works occupy a special place in Szymanowski’s output as a demonstration of his style and an indubitable contribution to the development of twentieth-century piano music. The piano played an important part in his life. He always composed at it and appeared as an interpreter of his own works and accompanist in performances of his own songs and works for violin and piano. The present collection contains preludes, the ”Prelude and Fugue”, studies, mazurkas, four Polish dances, the ”Romantic Waltz”, the ”Metopes” and the ”Masques”. The works or extracts from particular cycles present an overview of Karol Szymanowski’s piano output with the exception of the larger forms, such as sonata, fantasia or variations. His early compositions (preludes), full of youthful emotionalism, still remain under the influence of Chopin, Brahms or Skriabin, but are not devoid of the originality and individuality characteristic of Szymanowski’s style. In the studies Op. 4 we see greater tonal expansion, more complicated structures and a wealth of interpretatitve directions. The works after 1914 bring new technical and aesthetic qualities. The studies Op. 33 are very short pieces, performed attacca and contrasting in mood, expression, texture or colour. The ”Metopes” and the ”Masques” derive from the same, ”impressionistic” period; they are the only piano works which are programmatic, originating in the literary interests of the composer. New stylistic assumptions and a modern sound language can be found in the Mazurkas involving stylisation of mountain folk music, the exploitation of its melodic, rhythmic and tonal features being combined with mazurka form. The four Polish dances are characterised by simplicity of texture, clarity and conciseness of form. The ”Romantic Waltz” is an occasional work, not typical in Szymanowski’s output.
    1. Preludes Op.1 Nos.1-5-7
    2. Prelude & Fugue C-sharp minor
    3. Studies Op.33 Nos.1-2-3-4
    4. Studies Op.4 Nos.3-4
    5. Mazurkas Op.50 Nos.1-2-3-4
    6. 4 Polish Dances
    7. Valse Romantique
    8. Metopes Calypso Op.29 No.2
    9. Masques Op.34 No.2 Tantris the Clown

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  • Grazyna Bacewicz – Theme With Variations (Violin & Piano)

    Pages: 24
    Language: English 
    Publisher: PWM

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  • Masterpieces of The Polish 20th Century

    Includes 10 Books
    Witold Lutoslawski – Sympony No.3
    Wojciech Kilar – Exodus
    Henryk Mikolaj Gorecki – Symfony No.3 “Symfony of Sorrowful Songs”
    Witold Lutoslawski – Concerto for Orchestra
    Tadeusz Baird – Four Love Sonnets
    Grazyna Bacewicz – Concerto for String Orchestra
    Karol Szymanowski – Stabat Mater
    Krzysztof Penderecki – Passio et Mors Domini Nostri Iesu Christi Secundum Lucam
    Karol Szymanowski – Violin Concerto No.1
    Mieczyslaw Karlowicz – Symphonic Poem

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  • Modern Guitar Method, Grade 1 & Online Media

    Mel Bay’s Modern Guitar Method is the world’s premier method for learning modern plectrum/flatpick style Guitar. This method has stood the test of time and has been proven successful in building the theoretical and technical foundation needed to play in any style.
    All seven grades of this method are written in standard notation to encourage better sight reading. In Grade 1, the student guitarist will learn to play solos, duets, scales and chords in the keys of C, A minor, G and E minor. Even in Grade 1, the student is already exposed to the chord melody concept of Guitar performance.
    In addition, an audio recording of the solos and studies and also a video recording are available with these books as downloads.
    A Little Bit Of Hanon
    A Serenade
    A Study On The Third String
    A Visit To The Relatives
    Accompaniment Styles In The Key Of E Minor
    Accompaniment Styles In The Key Of G
    Amazing Grace
    Aura Lee
    Austrian Hymn [Haydn, Franz]
    Billy’s Duet
    Bluegrass Waltz
    Buffalo Gals
    Careless Love
    Carry Me Back To Old Virginny [Bland]
    Cockles And Mussels
    Cradle Song [Brahms, Johann]
    Follow The Leader
    Gliding Along
    Home On The Range
    Home, Home, Can I Forget Thee
    In The Evening By The Moonlight
    Long, Long Ago
    Maytime [Wanhall-Bay]
    Melancholy [Bay, William]
    Michael, Row The Boat Ashore
    Minor Melody
    Morning Song
    Night Song
    Our First Duet
    Playtime [Pleyel]
    Psalm 100 [Bourgeois, Louis]
    Red River Valley
    Running Around
    Small Chord Etude
    Song Without Words
    Sor’s Waltz
    Southern Fried
    Sparkling Stella
    Tenting Tonight
    Terry’s Tune
    The Blue Bells Of Scotland
    The Builder
    The Chord Waltz
    The Little Prince [Mazas]
    The Merry Men
    The Old Mill
    The Repeater
    Wayfarin’ Stranger
    When The Saints Go Marching In

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  • Melbay Barrios – The Complete Works Of Guitar Vol.2


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  • Krakowa – Why Venus Above Me


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  • Topper – A Modern Approach to the Guitar Book 2

    Η σειρά “Approach” των εκδόσεων Broekmans & Van Poppel, Amsterdam, είναι εμπνευσμένη απο την σχολή του Emilio Pujol “Esquela Razonada de la Guitarra”.
    Η χρήση του αντίχειρα σε συνδυασμό με τα δάχτυλα (τα δάκτυλα και ο αντίχειρας δεν αγγίζουν ταυτόχρονα τη χορδή). Το αριστερό χέρι δεν χρειάζεται να χρησιμοποιεί περισσότερα από ένα δάκτυλα τη φορά.
    Σελίδες: 13Γλώσσα: Αγγλικά, ΓαλλικάΕκδόσεις: Broekmans & Van Poppel

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  • Handel – Passacaille

    Pages:7Language:English,GermanPublisher:PWM Edition

    Handel – Passacaille


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  • Topper – A Modern Approach to the Guitar Book 3

    Η σειρά “Approach” των εκδόσεων Broekmans & Van Poppel, Amsterdam, είναι εμπνευσμένη απο την σχολή του Emilio Pujol “Esquela Razonada de la Guitarra”.
    Η χρήση δύο δακτύλων (παίζοντας δύο νότες) σε συνδυασμό με τον αντίχειρα. (Ο αντίχειρας δεν αγγίζει τις χορδές ταυτόχρονα με τα δάχτυλα).
    Σελίδες: 12 Γλώσσα: Αγγλικά, Γαλλικά Εκδόσεις: Broekmans & Van Poppel

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  • Topper – A Modern Approach to the Guitar Book 4

    Η σειρά “Approach” των εκδόσεων Broekmans & Van Poppel, Amsterdam, είναι εμπνευσμένη απο την σχολή του Emilio Pujol “Esquela Razonada de la Guitarra”.
    Η χρήση δύο δακτύλων (παίζοντας δύο νότες) σε συνδυασμό με τον αντίχειρα. (Ο αντίχειρας δεν αγγίζει τις χορδές ταυτόχρονα με τα δάχτυλα).
    Σελίδες: 13Γλώσσα: Αγγλικά, ΓαλλικάΕκδόσεις: Broekmans & Van Poppel

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  • Topper – A Modern Approach to the Guitar Book 5

    Η σειρά “Approach” των εκδόσεων Broekmans & Van Poppel, Amsterdam, είναι εμπνευσμένη απο την σχολή του Emilio Pujol “Esquela Razonada de la Guitarra”.
    Η χρήση δύο δακτύλων (παίζοντας δύο νότες) σε συνδυασμό με τον αντίχειρα. (Ο αντίχειρας δεν αγγίζει τις χορδές ταυτόχρονα με τα δάχτυλα).
    Σελίδες: 13 Γλώσσα: Αγγλικά, Γαλλικά Εκδόσεις: Broekmans & Van Poppel

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  • Topper – A Modern Approach to the Guitar Book 1

    Η σειρά “Approach” των εκδόσεων Broekmans & Van Poppel, Amsterdam, είναι εμπνευσμένη απο την σχολή του Emilio Pujol “Esquela Razonada de la Guitarra”.
    Οι στοιχειώδεις κινήσεις των δακτύλων, χωρίς τον αντίχειρα. Rasgueado με δείκτη.
    Σελίδες: 12 Γλώσσα: Αγγλικά, Γαλλικά Εκδόσεις: Broekmans & Van Poppel

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  • LTECH LT-880

    DMX dimmer (Constant Voltage Decoder) 24 καναλιών , 24x3A. Κατάλληλο για ταινίες LED (RGB ή/και μονόχρωμες).
    Διαθέτει δυνατότητα είσοδου Power Supply (5V-24V DC) απο δυο τροφοδοτικά. Έχει είσοδο και έξοδο σήματος DMX με XLR, RJ45 και κλέμα. Η επιλογη του καναλίου DMX πραγματοποιείται με dip switch.
    Δέχεται και σήμα εισόδου RDM (Remote Device Management).

    LTECH LT-880


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  • Melbay Hungerford – Walking Jazz Lines for Bass [Book/Online Audio]

    The Bass has been called “the most important instrument in any band.” The Bass player must create interesting lines under the chord changes, keep the “time flow” or “pulse” steady, and keep the form of the song together.Walking Jazz Lines For Bass is designed to help bassists create beginning to advanced walking patterns (smooth-sounding lines) that can be used in jazz, blues, R&B, gospel, Latin and country music. By explaining the basics of intervals, chords, and scales the author builds a framework for understanding bass line patterns.This book presents one- and two-measure patterns that can be used in playing the blues, rhythm changes, the II-V-I progression, and 20 popular jazz standards.Walking Jazz Lines For Bass is written in standard notation with chord symbols. The audio gives you the opportunity to play with one of the finest rhythm sections around. It is in stereo, with the bass and drums on the left and Piano and Drums on the right. Since the examples in the book are presented both with sample Bass lines and as chord progressions only, you can either follow along with the Bass or practice your own lines with the audio as your accompaniment. Access to online audio is included.
    Language: English
    Publisher: Mel Bay Publications
    Pages: 96

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  • Melbay Juan Serrano – Flamenco Guitar Basic Techniques & CD

    Αυτό το βιβλίο, γραμμένο τόσο στα αγγλικά όσο και στα ισπανικά, είναι η πιο γνήσια μέθοδος διαθέσιμη για την τεχνική κιθάρας φλαμένκο. Ο Juan Serrano είναι ένας από τους κορυφαίους σολίστ συναυλιών φλαμένκο στον κόσμο και είναι ένας έμπειρος δάσκαλος και ερμηνευτής σε αυτό το ζωντανό, πολύχρωμο μουσικό είδος. Το κείμενο περιγράφει την ιστορία της μουσικής φλαμένκο, διδάσκει τη βασική θεωρία της μουσικής, παρουσιάζει αναπτυξιακές μελέτες σχετικά με τεχνικές φλαμένκο κιθάρας όπως rasgueado και tremolo και προσφέρει 14 συναρπαστικά σόλο κιθάρας φλαμένκο. Σημειογραφεία σε τυπικό πεντάγραμμο και ταμπλατούρα.
    Juan Serrano – Alegrias 
    Juan Serrano – Alegrias Para Baile
    Juan Serrano – Bulerias
    Juan Serrano – Fandangos De Huelva
    Juan Serrano – Farrucas   –   Juan Serrano 
    Juan Serrano – Malaguena (Flamenca)
    Juan Serrano – Malaguena (Regional)
    Juan Serrano – Romance Regional
    Juan Serrano – Sevillanas I
    Juan Serrano – Sevillanas Ii
    Juan Serrano – Sevillanas Iii
    Juan Serrano – Sevillanas Iv
    Juan Serrano – Soleares
    Juan Serrano – Study In C
    Juan Serrano – Tempestad (Rumba Flamenca)
    Pages: 148Language: English, SpanishPublisher: Mel Bay

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