
  • Villa-Lobos – Piano Music

    #html-body [data-pb-style=Q36KV1G]{justify-content:flex-start;display:flex;flex-direction:column;background-position:left top;background-size:cover;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-attachment:scroll}Piano Music: “Prole Do Bebê” Vol. 1, “Danças Características Africanas” and Other Works (Volume 1) 
    Brazilian composer Heitor Villa-Lobos (1887–1959) is renowned for the unique originality of his music, based in large part on indigenous melodies and rhythms associated with Brazilian folk music. These native elements, as well as many other facets of his work, may be heard and studied in this rich selection of his finest piano music.Thirty-three sparkling pieces include “Segunda Suite Infantil,” “Danças Caracteristicas Africanas,” “Suite Floral, Prole do Bebê,” “Simples Coletânea,” “Histórias da Carochinha,” and “Carnaval das Crianças.”Pianists and all music lovers will delight in this evocative, sensuous, and vibrant music, reprinted here from authoritative editions.

    Villa-Lobos – Piano Music


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  • A Russian Songbook

    Full piano arrangements, guitar chord symbols. Russian texts in Cyrillic and Latin-alphabet transliteration with English singing translations.
    All Throughout The Great Wide World I Wandered
    Along The Peterskaya Road
    Clouds Have Risen Over The City
    Dark Is The Night
    Do Not Awaken My Memories
    Do Not Scold Me And Do Not Reproach Me
    Down Along The Mother Volga
    Down The Volga River
    Far Away, Far Away
    Farewell To Happiness
    In The Meadow Stood A Little Birch Tree
    In The Valley
    Lonely Accordion
    Moscow Nights
    My Heart
    My Sweetheart
    No Sounds From The City Are Heard
    Oh You Dear Little Night
    Regimental Polka
    Should The Volga’s Banks Be Flooded
    Snow Flurries
    Song Of Greeting
    Song Of The Volga Boatmen
    Stenka Razin
    Strains Of Guitar
    Strolling Home
    The Boundless Expanse Of The Sea
    The Cliff On The Volga
    The Light
    The Little Bell
    The Slender Mountain Ash
    The Story Of The Coachman
    The Village On The Road
    Through The Village
    Troika Rushing
    Wait For Me
    Wait For Your Soldier
    Who Knows Why
    Why Do You Gaze At The Road

    A Russian Songbook


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    Professional melodion 37 πλήκτρων (Πιανίκα). Εύρος έκτασης από F έως F3. Mαύρο χρώμα, εξαιρετικό φινίρισμα αλουμινίου και reed tape απο μπρούτζο. Συνοδεύεται από μαλακή θήκη μεταφοράς.

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  • Πακέτο Αρμονίου ARK με Βάση και Ακουστικά

    • ark Κ186 αρμόνιο με 61 δυναμικά πλήκτρα: 300 ήχοι. 300 ρυθμικά στυλ με ακκομπανιαμέντα. μέθοδος εκμάθησης με demo song. metronome. follow teaching. Διαθέτει sustain.vibrato. μετρονόμο. transpose και αλλαγή οκτάβας. είσοδο μικροφώνου. usb καθώς και δυνατότητα εγγραφής. Συμπεριλαμβάνεται το αναλόγιο και το τροφοδοτικό. Βάρος 5.8 kg. Τεχνικά Χαρακτηριστικά:- 61 Δυναμικά πλήκτρα – Οθόνη lcd – 300 general midi ήχους – 300 αυτόματους ρυθμούς – 40 demo τραγούδια – Άλλες δυνατότητες: sustain. vibrato. transpose. ενεργοποίηση/απενεργοποίηση δυναμικού κλαβιέ. διαχωρισμός κλαβιέ σε 2 ήχους. pitch bend- record: record. play – drums:8 panel drums – accompaniment control: start/stop. sync. fill-in. tempo control – Αυτόματα ακκομπανιαμέντα: single chord. finger chord. chord clear – intelligent guide: demo song. metronome. follow teaching – Είσοδος Μικροφώνου – Έξοδος usb- Άλλες ρυθμίσεις: power jack.volume control. accompaniment volume – Είσοδοι/ έξοδοι: dc12vpowerjack. headphone jack. – Νότες: c2~c7 – Περιλαμβάνεται τροφοδοτικό dc12v και αναλόγιο- Διαστάσεις: 1008x431x171(mm) – Βάρος: 5.8kg- Δυνατότητα λειτουργίας με μπαταρίες (δεν περιλαμβάνονται)• on-stage ks8190x single-x βάση αρμονίου:- lok-tight κατασκευή. εύκολη στη συναρμολόγηση- Αντιολισθητικές λαβές. ρυθμιζόμενες ανάλογα με το πλάτος του αρμονίου για σταθερότητα και προστασία από γρατζουνιές- Εύκολη εξάρτηση pull knob για τις ρυθμίσεις ύψους/πλάτους- Ρυθμιζόμενο ύψος: 68.5 – 96.5 cm- Δυνατότητα στήριξης έως και 45 kg• aroma he-1 ακουστικά: Κλειστού τύπου με προστατευτικά μαξιλαράκια για άνετη καθημερινή χρήση και ρυθμιζόμενο ύψος. Είναι κατασκευασμένα από υψηλής ποιότητας υλικά και μπορούν να περιστραφούν 180 μοίρες αλλά και να διπλώσουν μέσα στην στέκα για μέγιστη φορητότητα αλλά και δυνατότητα χρήσης από dj. Με βύσμα 3.5mm stereo mini-plug.

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    Κλασική κιθάρα 4/4 SUZUKI, καπάκι έλατο, μπράτσο catalpa με truss rod, φινίρισμα γυαλιστερό, συνοδεύεται από θήκη ώμου.

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    Κλασική κιθάρα 3/4 SUZUKI, καπάκι έλατο, μπράτσο catalpa, φινίρισμα γυαλιστερό, συνοδεύεται από θήκη ώμου.

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    Φλογέρα SUZUKI SOPRANO, ΑΓΓΛΙΚΟΥ συστήματος, σπαστή σε 3 μέρη. Χρώμα μαύρο.

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    Φλογέρα SUZUKI SOPRANO, ΑΓΓΛΙΚΟΥ συστήματος. Χρώμα μπεζ.

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    Κλασική κιθάρα 3/4 SUZUKI Plus, καπάκι έλατο και σώμα από basswood, μπράτσο maple, φινίρισμα γυαλιστερό, συνοδεύεται από θήκη ώμου.

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  • DOVER Publications Grieg – Peer Gynt Holberg Suit & Other Works

    Rooted in the Norwegian Folk tradition, the piano music of Edvard Grieg offers spirited rhythms, novel harmonies and a refined lyrical sense. Included in this volume are the perennial favorites, Peer Gynt Suites Nos. 1 and2, in Grieg’s own piano arrangement, and the Holberg Suite, as well as a rich selection of other pieces.Reproduced from authoritative editions published by C.F. Peters.
    Concerto In A Minor Op.16
    Four Album Leaves
    Four Pieces
    From Holberg’s Time
    Moods Op.73
    Nordraak’s Funeral March
    Peer Gynt Suite No.1 Op.46
    Peer Gynt Suite No.2 Op.55
    Piano Pieces After His Own Songs
    Poetic Tone-pictures
    Sonata In E Minor Op.7
    Three Piano Pieces
    Two Elegiac Melodies
    Two Melodies

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  • DOVER Publications Faure – Complete Preludes, Impromptus and Valses-Caprices

    Impromptu No.3 In A Flat Major Op.34
    Impromptus No.1 In E Flat Major Op.25
    Impromptus No.2 In F Minor/Major Op.31
    Impromptus No.4 In D Flat Major Op.91
    Impromptus No.5 In F Sharp Minor Op.102
    Prelude No.1 In D Flat Major
    Prelude No.2 In C Sharp Minor
    Prelude No.3 In G Minor
    Prelude No.4 In F Major
    Prelude No.5 In D Minor
    Prelude No.6 In E Flat Major
    Prelude No.7 In A Major
    Prelude No.8 In C Minor
    Prelude No.9 In E Minor
    Valse-caprice No.1 In A Major Op.30
    Valse-caprice No.2 In D Flat Major Op.38
    Valse-caprice No.3 In G Flat Op.59
    Valse-caprice No.4 In A Flat Major Op.62

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  • DOVER Publications Debussy – Etudes Children’s Corner Images Book II

    This volume contains several of Debussy’s best-known and most-admired compositions, including some of his most brilliant works for piano: the technically challenging ‘Etudes’, the witty and appealing ‘Children’s Corner’ and the sparkling ‘Images, Book II’ as well as other intriguing, lesser-known works. Pianists will enjoy the extraordinary diversity of these pieces and their rare, often surprising musical effects. All of the works included have been reprinted from authoritative French editions.
    157 Pages

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  • DOVER Publications Scriabin – Complete Piano Sonatas

    Like Chopin, Scriabin made the piano the focus of his art. Among the supreme achievements of that art are the ten sonatas he composed between 1892 and 1913, works that abundantly display both his technical virtuosity and the exhilarating emotional gamut he ranged with such individuality.All ten of Scriabin’s sonatas are reprinted here from the authoritative Russian edition published in 1964. The first four reveal the influences of the pianism of Chopin and Liszt. The subsequent sonatas richly display Scriabin’s emerging impressionist techniques and his deep attraction to mysticism, which progressively conjured a more and more ethereal framework of sound, now brooding and introspective, now rhapsodic and exultant.In both their technical requirements and their emotional demands, these brilliant works will offer pianists a deeply satisfying challenge. Nonpianists will also enjoy this finely made edition, with which they may follow, music in hand, the growing number of loved and recorded performances of these masterpieces.
    256 Pages

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  • DOVER Publications A B C Piano Note Stickers

    Turn any piano or keyboard into an easy-to-play instrument with these helpful stickers! Place the stickers, each of which represents a musical note, on their corresponding keys to provide a quick and easy way to learn piano fingering techniques. An extremely useful tool for beginning piano students of all ages.
    168 stickers on 4 plates

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  • DOVER Publications Liszt – Etudes for Solo Piano II

    Liszt’s reputation as perhaps the greatest pianist of all time is powerfully supported by his dazzling body of work for solo piano. The undiminished popularity of his etudes with pianists and audiences alike have made them among the most performed and recorded works for solo piano in the romantic repertoire.This superbly produced yet inexpensive two-volume edition presents all of Liszt’s etudes as edited by the great pianist, composer, and musical scholar Ferruccio Busoni for the Franz Liszt Society and published by Breitkopf and Härtel in Leipzig in 1910–11.This second volume, Series II, includes many of Liszt’s most important piano works. Liszt’s creative method can be observed in his reworking of the Etudes d’ Exécution Transcendante d’après Paganini into the Grande Etudes de Paganini (better known as simply the Paganini Etudes), and the similar revision of the “Morceau de Salon” into “Ab Irato.” The separate etudes cover a wide stylistic range, from the dazzling technical display of the most popular of the Paganini Etudes, “La Campanella,” to the graceful, restrained lyricism of “Waldesrauschen.” Each will bring to pianists and their listeners a moving encounter with the genius of this towering musical personality.
    Reprint of the Breitkopf & Härtel, Leipzig, 1910–1911 editions.
    192 Pages

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  • DOVER Publications Liszt – Etudes for Solo Piano I

    Liszt’s reputation as perhaps the greatest pianist of all time is powerfully supported by his dazzling body of work for solo piano. The undiminished popularity of his etudes with pianists and audiences alike have made them among the most performed and recorded works for solo piano in the romantic repertoire.This superbly produced yet inexpensive two-volume edition presents all of Liszt’s etudes as edited by the great pianist, composer, and musical scholar Ferruccio Busoni for the Franz Liszt Society and published by Breitkopf and Härtel in Leipzig in 1910–11.This first volume, Series I, includes many of Liszt’s most inspired piano works. The Etude en 12 Exercises and the 12 Grandes Etudes can both be regarded as early versions of the Etudes d’ Exécution Transcendante (Transcendental Etudes). Each set is a highly successful work in its own terms, and both generally surpass the famous final version in difficulty. The separate “Mazeppa” is yet another working of one of the etudes from these sets. The individual etudes range dramatically in style from the delicate refinement of “Feux Follets” to the startling bravura of “Wilde Jagd” (both from the Transcendental Etudes). Each will bring to pianists and their listeners a moving encounter with the genius of this towering musical personality.
    Reprint of the Breitkopf & Härtel, Leipzig, 1910–1911 editions.
    272 Pages

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Κύριο Μενού Πλοήγησης