
  • The Virtuoso Piano Transcription Series, Vol. 4 Rigoletto

    #html-body [data-pb-style=BVAA9V8]{justify-content:flex-start;display:flex;flex-direction:column;background-position:left top;background-size:cover;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-attachment:scroll}#html-body [data-pb-style=XUDTYAI]{max-width:360px}Franz Liszt (Composer) | Giuseppe Fortunino Francesco Verdi (Composer)RigolettoConcert-Paraphrase about the quartet by Franz LisztPiano
    The opera paraphrases take a prominent place among Liszt’s complete works as a self-contained art form alongside original compositions. Feruccio Busoni values the high artistic merit of these compositions in the manner in which their well-considered structural planning in the arrangement of form and contrast and the endeavour to expand and embellish the chosen motifs place Liszt’s opera fantasies apart from the “plebeian potpourri”. The early Verdi paraphrases, particularly this Rigoletto-Paraphrase composed in 1859, are far superior to the later paraphrases (including those based on Don Carlos and Aida). This exceedingly brillant concert piece based on arguably the most famous quartet in the history of opera is particularly significant for the unique way in which Liszt is able to bring together the juxtaposition of extreme contrasts – the Duke’s ardent declaration of love, Maddalena’s prattling rejection, the grief-stricken cantilene of Gilda’s and Rigoletto’s furious parlando – as in Verdi’s original, resulting in a marvellous formal unity.

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  • Liszt – Ungarische Rhapsodie No 1

    #html-body [data-pb-style=VPPPBLH]{justify-content:flex-start;display:flex;flex-direction:column;background-position:left top;background-size:cover;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-attachment:scroll}Franz Liszt (Composer) | Eugen d’Albert (Editor)
    Hungarian Rhapsody
    No. 1 E major
    Series:Edition Schott – Single Edition

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  • Szeleny – Nocturne

    #html-body [data-pb-style=YNT0KIX]{justify-content:flex-start;display:flex;flex-direction:column;background-position:left top;background-size:cover;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-attachment:scroll}István Szelényi (Composer)Nocturne

    Szeleny – Nocturne


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  • Strawinsky – L` Oiseau De Feu

    #html-body [data-pb-style=NRDHX04]{justify-content:flex-start;display:flex;flex-direction:column;background-position:left top;background-size:cover;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-attachment:scroll}The Firebird Scherzo, Berceuse and Danse Infernale arranged for piano by Soulima Strawinsky

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  • Sturm – Singen auf den ersten Blick & CD

    This book is aimed at singers who wish to acquire sound knowledge of music-reading and improve their sight-singing skills.It is possible to approach this subject on all levels. This is why this book is suitable for absolute beginners and advanced singers alike. A navigation system facilitates fast orientation and ‘picks’ every user up exactly where he or she stands at the moment.
    In addition, the book contains recapitulatory exercises as well as an accompanying CD which enables the singer to review the acquired knowledge at any time.
    Einstieg: Hallo und herzlich willkommen
    Am Anfang steht der Rhythmus
    Der Ton macht die Musik
    Das kleine 1×1 des Übens
    Noch Fragen
    Auf dem Sprungbrett: Vom Marsch bis zur Disko
    Der dritte Ton und die ersten Tonsprünge
    Der Dreiklang: Der vierte Ton der Tonleiter
    Achtung Taktwechsel
    Fünf Töne und ein Dreiklang
    Das Hexachord: Ein halbes Dutzend Töne
    Mach mal Pause
    Kunstspringen für Fortgeschrittene
    Ganz oder gar nicht
    Das Hexachord
    Die vollständige Tonleiter: Keine halbe Sache
    Der hat nocht gefehlt
    Kann man den Grundpuls weiter unterteilen
    Weitere Dreiklänge innerhalb der Tonleiter
    Dur und Moll: Zum Auftakt
    “Unter” dem Grundton
    Die Moll-Tonleiter
    Das Gegenstück zu “alla breve”
    So viele Noten
    Dur und Moll im Kreuzverhör
    Teuflischer Tonsprung
    Hoch hinaus: In den höchsten Tönen
    Nochmal ein Taktwechsel
    Und halten
    Gegen den Strich
    Zwischentöne: Umleitung
    Weitere Leittöne durch zusätzliche Vorzeichen
    Wie die Tonarten zu ihren Vorzeichen kamen
    Was Vorzeichen am Anfang einer Zeile mit denen vor einer Note zu tun haben
    Und was ist das
    Zum Finale
    Anhang: Tonhöhen und Notennamen
    Dur oder Moll? Wie man Tonarten und Grundton eines Stückes erkennt
    Übersicht über die Tonarten bis fünf Vorzeichen
    Lösungen zu den Rätseln
    Übersicht der Tracks auf der CD

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  • Theodorakis – Epitaph (Iliopoulos)

    Wo ist mein Junge hingeflogen
    Meine duftenden Lippen
    An einem Tag im Mai
    Du bist untergegangen, mein Stern
    Du warst gutherzig
    Am Fenster standest Du
    Hätte ich doch das Wasser des Lebens
    Mein Süsser, Du bist nicht verschwunden

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  • Genzmer – 1st Sonatina


    Genzmer – 1st Sonatina


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  • Tchaikovsky- The Nutcracker (Simple Arrangement)

    The series Get to Know Classical Masterpieces provides an introduction to well-known compositions in simple arrangements for piano by Hans-Günter Heumann. Complete with texts and colour illustrations throughout, these editions will appeal not only to both child and adult pianists but to any music-lover who wishes to get to know these works better.
    Steckbrief: Peter Iljitsch Tschaikowsky
    Steckbrief: Der Nussknacker
    Handlung des Balletts
    Begrüßung der Gäste
    Onkel Drosselmeyer
    Klara und der Nussknacker
    Pas de deux von Klara und dem Nussknacker-Prinzen
    Divertissement: a) Spanischer Tanz
    b) Arabischer Tanz
    c) Chinesischer Tanz
    d) Russischer Tanz (Trepak)
    e) Tanz der Rohrflöten
    f) Mutter Gigogne
    Finale (Walzer)

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  • Kember – Piano Sight Reading 1

    This book of pieces aims to establish good practice and provide an early introduction to the essential skill of sight-reading. In Part 1 the basic keys of C, G, F and D major and A and D minor are explored while keeping movement limited to steps, skips and repeated notes in a 5-note range.
    Part 1:
    Three steps to success
    Patterns: 5-finger shapes and sequences frequently used
    Sight-reading exercises
    Part 2:
    Four steps to success
    Introducing intervals of 4ths and 5ths
    More sight-reading exercises
    Ties and simple syncopations
    Simple exercises with hands together

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  • Kember – Piano Sight Reading 2

    This volume builds on the progress achieved by following the outlines and good practice established in Book 1. This book helps to establish the habit of regular sight-reading, generally recognized as a vital skill in all fields of music. To this end, the exercises are progressive and structured to increase the pupil’s awareness of new rhythms, keys and range of notes.
    Changes of hand position are introduced gradually, as is the recognition of and familiarity with chord shapes in both 2- and 3-note groups. – A progressive approach based on self-learning- 150 graduated exercises- Both hands treated equally for melody and chord playing- Hands together used throughout
    Simple hands together
    no position moves
    Semiquavers in 2/4 time
    Semiquavers in 3/8 time
    Position changes in the right hand
    Position changes in the left hand
    Simple position changes in both hands
    Introducing chords
    2nds and 3rds
    Introducing chords
    4ths and 6ths
    Introducing chords
    5ths and 6ths
    Introducing chords
    5ths and 7ths
    Introducing various 2-note chords
    Introducing triads and inversions
    Introducing dominant 7th chords
    The key of E minor
    The key of B minor
    The key of B flat major
    The key of G minor

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  • Wehle – Clarinet Fundamentals 2

    Systematic Fingering Course
    Pages: 136
    Language: English
    Publisher: Schott

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  • Beriot – Scene De Ballet

    Pages: 26
    Language: English/German
    Publisher: Edition Schott 

    Beriot – Scene De Ballet


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  • Mozart – Adelaide Konzert In D Major

    Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus – Concert In Major
    For Violin and Piano
    Editor: Casadesus Marius
    Cadences by Paul Hindemith
    Candences by Max Kaempfert
    Score Pages: 29
    Violin Part Pages: 11
    Language: German, English
    Publisher: Schott

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  • Locatelli – Concerto Nr.1 Op.3/1

    Locatelli, Pietro Antonio – Concerto, Nr.1
    In D Major Op.3/1
    for Violin and Piano
    Editor: Albert Dunning
    Piano Reduction: Reinhold Kubik
    Score Pages: 30
    Violin Part Pages: 16
    Language: English, German, Italian
    Publisher: Schott

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  • Locatelli – Concerto Nr.3 Op.3/3

    Locatelli, Pietro Antonio – Concerto, Nr.3
    In F Major Op.3/3
    for Violin and Piano
    Editor: Albert Dunning
    Piano Reduction: Reinhold Kubik
    Score Pages: 31
    Violin Part Pages: 16
    Language: English, German, Italian
    Publisher: Schott

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  • Locatelli – Concerto Nr.4 Op.3/4

    Locatelli, Pietro Antonio – Concerto, Nr.4
    In E Major Op.3/4
    for Violin and Piano
    Editor: Albert Dunning
    Piano Reduction: Reinhold Kubik
    Score Pages: 28
    Violin Part Pages: 12
    Language: English, German, Italian
    Publisher: Schott

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