
  • Szymanowski – The Most Beautiful

    Piano works occupy a special place in Szymanowski’s output as a demonstration of his style and an indubitable contribution to the development of twentieth-century piano music. The piano played an important part in his life. He always composed at it and appeared as an interpreter of his own works and accompanist in performances of his own songs and works for violin and piano. The present collection contains preludes, the ”Prelude and Fugue”, studies, mazurkas, four Polish dances, the ”Romantic Waltz”, the ”Metopes” and the ”Masques”. The works or extracts from particular cycles present an overview of Karol Szymanowski’s piano output with the exception of the larger forms, such as sonata, fantasia or variations. His early compositions (preludes), full of youthful emotionalism, still remain under the influence of Chopin, Brahms or Skriabin, but are not devoid of the originality and individuality characteristic of Szymanowski’s style. In the studies Op. 4 we see greater tonal expansion, more complicated structures and a wealth of interpretatitve directions. The works after 1914 bring new technical and aesthetic qualities. The studies Op. 33 are very short pieces, performed attacca and contrasting in mood, expression, texture or colour. The ”Metopes” and the ”Masques” derive from the same, ”impressionistic” period; they are the only piano works which are programmatic, originating in the literary interests of the composer. New stylistic assumptions and a modern sound language can be found in the Mazurkas involving stylisation of mountain folk music, the exploitation of its melodic, rhythmic and tonal features being combined with mazurka form. The four Polish dances are characterised by simplicity of texture, clarity and conciseness of form. The ”Romantic Waltz” is an occasional work, not typical in Szymanowski’s output.
    1. Preludes Op.1 Nos.1-5-7
    2. Prelude & Fugue C-sharp minor
    3. Studies Op.33 Nos.1-2-3-4
    4. Studies Op.4 Nos.3-4
    5. Mazurkas Op.50 Nos.1-2-3-4
    6. 4 Polish Dances
    7. Valse Romantique
    8. Metopes Calypso Op.29 No.2
    9. Masques Op.34 No.2 Tantris the Clown

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  • Grazyna Bacewicz – Theme With Variations (Violin & Piano)

    Pages: 24
    Language: English 
    Publisher: PWM

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  • Masterpieces of The Polish 20th Century

    Includes 10 Books
    Witold Lutoslawski – Sympony No.3
    Wojciech Kilar – Exodus
    Henryk Mikolaj Gorecki – Symfony No.3 “Symfony of Sorrowful Songs”
    Witold Lutoslawski – Concerto for Orchestra
    Tadeusz Baird – Four Love Sonnets
    Grazyna Bacewicz – Concerto for String Orchestra
    Karol Szymanowski – Stabat Mater
    Krzysztof Penderecki – Passio et Mors Domini Nostri Iesu Christi Secundum Lucam
    Karol Szymanowski – Violin Concerto No.1
    Mieczyslaw Karlowicz – Symphonic Poem

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  • Krakowa – Why Venus Above Me


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  • Handel – Passacaille

    Pages:7Language:English,GermanPublisher:PWM Edition

    Handel – Passacaille


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    Ο OPTIMOD-FM 8700i είναι ο κορυφαίος επεξεργαστής της Orban. Διαθέτοντας εξελιγμένη επεξεργασία πέντε και δύο περιοχών τόσο για αναλογική όσο και σε ψηφιακή μετάδοση σήματος. Στα βασικά χαρακτηριστικά έχουμε: Xponential Loudness Algorithm, Safety Bypass Relays, Digital MPX, Low-Delay DJ Monitor Output, Streaming Monitor Output, Subharmonic Synthesizer, “Multipath Mitigator” Left/Right Phase Skew Correction και ITU BS-412 Multiplex Power Control. Στον τομέα των εισόδων / εξόδων διαθέτει αναλογικές Balance και ψηφιακές AES/EBU εισόδους και εξόδους, εξόδους Composite, SCA και digital MPX καθώς και Audio Over IP μέσω σύνδεσης DANTE (συμβατή με AES67). Στον τομέα του ελέγχου διαθέτει συνδέσεις Ethernet, GPI, Tally & RS-232. Διαθέτει διπλό τροφοδοτικό και εγγύηση 5 χρόνια.

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    Ολοκληρωμένο πακέτο για audio streaming το οποίο περιλαμβάνει την κάρτα Optimod-PC 1101e καθώς και τον Opticodec 1010PE V3.8 streaming σε AAC/HE-AAC/MP3 encoder. Η κάρτα Optimod-PC 1101e είναι ψηφιακός επεξεργαστής ήχου για streaming audio σε μορφή PCI κάρτας. Διαθέτει multiband επεξεργασία, factory presets, user presets καθώς και πανίσχυρο ενσωματωμένο DSP για την ελάχιστη απορρόφηση πόρων από το PC. Επίσης είναι δυνατή η εγκατάσταση περισσότερων από μια κάρτα για λειτουργία σε περιβάλλον multi-program.

    Ο Opticodec 1010PE V3.8 είναι software encoder για AAC / HE AAC / aacPlus / MP3 streaming από την Orban. Ο κορυφαίος παγκοσμίως κατασκευαστής επεξεργασίας ήχου για ραδιόφωνο, τηλεόραση και DBS με το νέο software υποστηρίζει: RTSP/RTP QTSS/DSS Servers, RTP Real/Helix, Mobile Servers, HTTP/ICY SHOUTcast / Icecast2 Servers, HTTP/UVOX Ultravox 3 Servers.


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  • Kali Audio LP-6B Studio Monitor (Τεμαχιο)

    Ενεργά Ηχεία Studio Monitor Project Lone Pine LP-6

    Άμεσα Διαθέσιμο

Κύριο Μενού Πλοήγησης