
  • NUX Mighty 8BT MKII 8 Watt

    #html-body [data-pb-style=A43LCCX]{justify-content:flex-start;display:flex;flex-direction:column;background-position:left top;background-size:cover;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-attachment:scroll}Ο ολοκαίνουργιος MIGHTY 8BT MKII περιλαμβάνει ένα ηχείο FRFR 6,5″ με τεχνολογία IR, προσφέροντάς σας απεριόριστες ηχητικές δυνατότητες. Χρησιμοποιώντας 8 x μπαταρίες AA, αυτός ο φορητός ενισχυτής θα σας επιτρέψει να κάνετε εμφανίσεις οπουδήποτε για έως και 8 ώρες.
    Παρέχει μια ποικιλία εφέ για ηλεκτρική κιθάρα και μπάσο, συμπεριλαμβανομένων των μοντέλων ενισχυτών και των cabinet IR. Διαθέτει επίσης μοντελοποίηση ακουστικού ενισχυτή και ακουστικές IR για να μπορείτε να προσομοιώσετε ήχους ακουστικής κιθάρας.
    Υπάρχει ακόμη και ένα πρόσθετο κανάλι στον ενισχυτή για να συνδέσετε ένα δυναμικό μικρόφωνο, καθιστώντας το μια εξαιρετική λύση για ζωντανές εμφανίσεις.
    Η επεξεργασία και η αποθήκευση των προεπιλογών σας μπορεί να γίνει στο στούντιο ή εν κινήσει με την εφαρμογή Mighty Amp App για την έξυπνη συσκευή σας (iOS/Android) ή το λογισμικό Mighty Editor™ (Mac/PC). Και μπορείτε ακόμη και να φορτώσετε IR τρίτου μέρους μέσω του λογισμικού επεξεργασίας Mighty Editor™ για να επεκτείνετε τον τόνο σας. (Μπορείτε να φορτώσετε οποιεσδήποτε IR σε μορφή WAV, το Mighty Editor™ θα μετατρέψει αυτόματα σε 32bits/48kHz στη συσκευή).

    NUX Mighty 8BT MKII 8 Watt


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  • Α3 (white pad) 18 Πεντάγραμμα / 75 Σελίδες

    #html-body [data-pb-style=N2WIYHR]{justify-content:flex-start;display:flex;flex-direction:column;background-position:left top;background-size:cover;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-attachment:scroll}Faber Music A3 Manuscript Pad (75 σελίδα, 18 πεντάγραμμα, λευκό χαρτί) (Για όλα τα όργανα)
    Αυτό το μπλοκ Α3 διαθέτει χαρτί εξαιρετικής ποιότητας, ιδανικό για μολύβι, μελάνι, στυλό και στυλό με ίνες με βάση το νερό. Με 18 πεντάγραμμα ανά σελίδα, είναι ιδανικό για όλους τους σοβαρούς συνθέτες.
    Διαστάσεις 30*42*1 εκ

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  • Α5 (interleaved) 6 Πεντάγραμμα / 24 Σελίδες

    #html-body [data-pb-style=K53D0Q0]{justify-content:flex-start;display:flex;flex-direction:column;background-position:left top;background-size:cover;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-attachment:scroll}Τεράδιο Μουσικής 24 σελίδων Α5, Κρεμ χαρτί, 6-πεντάγραμμων 
    Η μία πλευρά έχει πεντάγραμμα και η άλλη γραμμές σημειώσεων

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  • NUX Mighty 20 MKII Combo

    #html-body [data-pb-style=WSB32IC]{justify-content:flex-start;display:flex;flex-direction:column;background-position:left top;background-size:cover;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-attachment:scroll}Γεννημένο από την κληρονομιά του φημισμένου MIGHTY 20 BT, το NUX MIGHTY 20 MKII σηματοδοτεί μια σημαντική εξέλιξη στις ηχητικές δυνατότητες. Μεταβαίνοντας απρόσκοπτα από τα στενά όρια της εξάσκησης στο σπίτι στο μεγαλείο των επιβλητικών παραστάσεων στο κέντρο της σκηνής, το MIGHTY 20 MKII εξασφαλίζει μια δυναμική και ευέλικτη ηχητική εμπειρία σε κάθε μορφή. Με έμφαση στην ποιότητα και την ισχύ, αυτός ο ενισχυτής ενσαρκώνει μια νέα εποχή στη μουσική έκφραση, παρέχοντας ένα απρόσκοπτο και απαράμιλλο ταξίδι για μουσικούς που είναι έτοιμοι να απογειώσουν την τέχνη τους.
    Χαρακτηριστικά :
    20 watts bedroom Modeling Amplifier.
    TSAC-HD (White-Box) Amp Modeling algorithm offers realistic playability & feedback.
    Pedal-friendly amp that works well with your favorite external pedals.
    7 presets with ACTIVE and Pro SCENE functions.
    GATE, COMP, EFX, AMP, EQ, MOD, DLY, RVB effect blocks with free order.
    White-box algorithm EFX offers analog response and natural chaos.
    Patch Level function for each preset.
    60s phrase loop with auto tempo detection and drum machine.
    Intuitive Mighty Amp™ App & Mighty Editor™ edit software.
    USB-B: Mighty Editor edit software communication, USB audio stream, and Firmware update.
    Included NBT-1 Bluetooth Module for Bluetooth MIDI & Audio Stream.
    Speaker: 8″ / 4Ω / 20W
    Dimensions: 380mm(L) x 186mm(W) x 340mm(H)
    Weight: 6.6kg

    NUX Mighty 20 MKII Combo


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  • You’re The Voice: Madonna & CD

    #html-body [data-pb-style=GIUAVHG]{justify-content:flex-start;display:flex;flex-direction:column;background-position:left top;background-size:cover;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-attachment:scroll}You’re The Voice: Η Madonna παρουσιάζει δέκα από τις πιο αγαπημένες επιτυχίες της, διασκευασμένες για πιάνο, φωνή και κιθάρα. Περιλαμβάνει τα κλασικά hits: Into The Groove, True Blue, Vogue, Hung Up και έξι ακόμη. Το συνοδευτικό CD περιέχει  κάθε τραγούδι, επαγγελματικά διασκευασμένο και ηχογραφημένο για να αναδημιουργήσει τον ήχο του πρωτότυπου.
    Περιεχόμενα:Crazy For YouFrozenHung UpInto The GrooveLa Isla BonitaLike A PrayerMusicPapa Don’t PreachTrue BlueVogue

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  • Mozart – Master Melodies & CD

    #html-body [data-pb-style=CT95V6C]{justify-content:flex-start;display:flex;flex-direction:column;background-position:left top;background-size:cover;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-attachment:scroll}Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
    Master melodies (+CD) for piano
    Master melodies, easy arrangements
    A selection of the most beautiful and well-known melodies

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    The TRIDENT is a World-Class Amp Modeling by NUX, featuring a newly updated iconic TSAC-4K Amp Modeling (White-box Physical Modeling algorithm) which is twice as complex as previous versions. This led NUX to design a new hardware platform with 2 DSPs, one to handle all the effects, and the other to handle the amp modeling algorithm. Additionally, the TRIDENT uses premium A/D & D/A converters and analog circuits to achieve a clear sound with low noise levels. This world-class amp modeling algorithm comes fully loaded with features and functionality. including 27 amps featuring HIGH/LOW inputs, 4 inputs for patch cable jumping, a toggle switch for voicing, and tonnes of options for max tweaking. The TRIDENT is a powerful IR loader and includes 27 Cab IRs at 1024 sample resolution. Fine-tune your Cab tone with 4 microphones (3 positions each), to adjust IR low cut / high cut/level. And finally, expand your IR library with 3rd party IRs and 32 additional slots. The Trident™ edit software will convert the IR format automatically on your PC or Mac. And then you have a comprehensive EFX section, a looper, and tonnes of connectivity options with an intuitive control layout for such a powerful machine.
    Improved White-box Physical Modeling algorithm + premium A/D & D/A converters and analog circuits
    27 legendary Amps with TSAC-4K Amp Modeling
    27 Cab IRs at 1024 sample resolution + 4 mics + 3rd parties IR loader
    Comprehensive EFX section fully tweakable with movable blocks: use it like real stompboxes in a super intuive way
    A powerful studio device: a perfect USB-C Audio Interface for guitar
    MIDI In/Out, EXP Pedal In, SEND/RETURN, Stereo balanced DI Out, MASTER VOL pot
    Trident Editor™ software can edit patches and setup the USB routing (free)
    30 seconds phrase looper
    One-piece die-cast aluminum case: it’s solid, strong, build for live performance



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  • NUX Verb Core Deluxe MKII

    The NUX VERB CORE DELUXE is a reverb pedal with 8 different reverb types including Room, Hall, Plate, Damp, Shim, Spring, Tre-Verb and Mod Verb. You can select the reverb type by using the rotary switch. VERB CORE DELUXE offers True-bypass and Buffer-bypass (Tail), set the 3-way toggle switch to the desired position, and you’re good to go.
    8 reverb types a compact enclosure: Room, Hall, Plate, Damp, Shim, Spring, Tre-Verb, Mod-Verb
    True-bypass or Buffer-bypass (Tails)
    Supports stereo
    Kill Dry function
    Analog dry signal for low noise and zero latency
    DSP Processing: 48KHz / 32-bit
    A/D D/A Sampling Rate: 48KHz / 24-bit
    Power: 9V DC (Negative tip, Optional ACD-006 adapter)
    Current Draw: less than 120mA
    Dimensions: 122(L) X 72(W) X 47(H)mm
    Weight: 270g

    NUX Verb Core Deluxe MKII


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  • NUX NBK-5 Masamune

    Booster and Compressor Pedals are the gigging guitarist’s secret weapon. Both pedals are now available in one convenient metal housing, and it comes with 4 selectable signal routings. The Boost Section comes with Boost Level, Drive, and Hi-Cut controls. The Compressor Section comes with Komp Level, Sustain, Blend, and Clip controls. The Masamune has an external foot-switch jack Input, you can easily operate the pedal by using an additional remote switch.
    Booster and compressor together in a dual footswitch stompbox
    Kompressor: 2 clipping modes, Level, Sustain, Blend
    Booster: Hi-cut toggle switch, Drive
    4 inside routings (parallel, toggle, B+K, K+B)
    External Switch Input
    Power Supply: 9v center negative

    NUX NBK-5 Masamune


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  • NUX NOD-3 Tubeman MKII Morning Star

    The Morning Star lights up all of the classic aspects of a great blues breaker pedal, but we added something stellar to improve the high-frequencies. Engage the Morning Star footswitch to add more overhead with saturated grit to your clean tones, and if you wanna boost your high-frequencies to a whole other stratosphere, press/hold the footswitch to activate the Shine circuit which adds a whole new level of tone brightness. You also get 2 bypass options: True Bypass or Buffer Bypass for your essential signal chain needs.
    All of the classic aspects of a great blues breaker pedal, with improved high-frequencies
    Shine circuit for more brililant highs
    2 bypass options: True Bypass/Buffer Bypass
    Simple but effective controls (Gain, Level, Tone)
    Luminous knobs for checking on the dark stage
    Strong and lightweight aluminum die-cast chassis
    Size: mini stompbox
    Power: 9V DC supply, 90mA (center negative)

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  • NUX Metal Core Deluxe MKII

    The NUX METAL CORE DELUXE MKII is a high gain preamp pedal with 3 distinctive high gain amp models including the Duo Rect, Fireman, and VH 4. You can select these models via the 3-way toggle switch, save your presets and use IR out for ampless applications. The NUX METAL CORE DELUXE MKII is a high gain preamp pedal with 3 distinctive high gain amp models including the Duo Rect, Fireman, and VH 4*. You can select these models via the 3-way toggle switch. *All the brand and model names mentioned on this page are Trademarks of their respective owners, which are in no way associated or affiliated with NUX Effects and Cherub Technology CO. LTD.
    Input Impedance: 1MO
    Output Impedance: 1kO
    Dynamic Range: 104 dB
    DSP Processing: 48KHz / 32-bit
    A/D D/A Sampling Rate: 48KHz / 24-bit
    Power: 9V DC (Negative tip, Optional ACD-006A adapter)
    Current Draw: less than 120mA
    Dimensions: 122(L) x 72(W) x 47(H) mm
    Weight: 270 g

    NUX Metal Core Deluxe MKII


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  • NUX Mod Core Deluxe MKII

    The NUX VERB CORE DELUXE is a reverb pedal with 8 different reverb types including Room, Hall, Plate, Damp, Shim, Spring, Tre-Verb and Mod Verb. You can select the reverb type by using the rotary switch. VERB CORE DELUXE offers True-bypass and Buffer-bypass (Tail), set the 3-way toggle switch to the desired position, and you’re good to go.
    DSP Processing: 48KHz / 32-bit
    A/D D/A Sampling Rate: 48KHz / 24-bit
    Power: 9V DC (Negative tip, Optional ACD-006 adapter)
    Current Draw: less than 120mA
    Dimensions: 122(L) X 72(W) X 47(H)mm
    Weight: 270g

    NUX Mod Core Deluxe MKII


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  • NUX Time Core Deluxe MKII

    The NUX TIME CORE DELUXE MKII is a delay pedal with 7 different delay types and phrase looper including FPhi Digital Delay, Analog Delay, Modulation Delay, Tape Echo, Pan Delay, Verb Delay, Reverse Delay and Sound On Sound. You can switch the delay type by using the rotary switch. *All of the brand and model names mentioned on this page are Trademarks of their respective owners, which are in no way associated or affiliated with NUX Effects and Cherub Technology CO. LTD.
    DSP Processing: 48KHz / 32-bit
    A/D D/A Sampling Rate: 48KHz / 24-bit
    Power: 9V DC (Negative tip, Optional ACD-006 adapter)
    Current Draw: less than 120mA
    Dimensions: 122(L) X 72(W) X 47(H)mm
    Weight: 270g

    NUX Time Core Deluxe MKII


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  • The Pam Wedgwood Christmas Collection

    The Pam Wedgwood Christmas Collection brings together Pam’s favourite festive pieces from her best-selling series, including Jazzin’ About, It’s Never Too Late, After Hours and Up-Grade! Presented progressively from early elementary to intermediate level (Initial to Grade 5), with jazzy arrangements of Christmas classics and Pam’s original compositions throughout, complete with online demonstration audio performed by Pam herself.
    Auld Lang Syne
    Away in a Manger
    Christmas Jingle
    Close Your Eyes
    Coventry Carol
    Deck the Halls
    Ding, Dong Merrily on High
    Hark the Herald Angels Sing
    I Wonder as I Wander
    In the Bleak Midwinter
    Let it Snow! Let it Snow! Let it Snow!
    Let the Bells Ring Out (Jingle Bells)
    Little Donkey
    Look High Above
    O Come, All Ye Faithful
    O Peaceful Little Town of Bethlehem
    On Christmas Night – I Saw Three Ships
    Once in Royal David’s City
    Past Three O’clock
    Silent Night
    Sugar and Spice
    The Angel Gabriel
    The Christmas Song
    The Holly and the Ivy
    The Little Drummer Boy
    The Mistletoe Mystery
    The Virgin Mary had a Baby Boy
    We Three Kings
    We Wish You a Merry Christmas
    We’ll Shop ’Til We Drop!
    Winter Wonderland

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  • Waterman Fanny & Harewood Marion – Me and My Piano Superscales

    The brand new edition of Me and My Piano Superscales – a sound and refreshingly different introduction to piano scales. Designed to contemplate Part II of the highly successful method Me and My Piano, it will be invaluable for any younger beginner.There are simple ‘Under and Over’ exercises to establish fingering patterns, and the scales themselves are brought to life with 16 imaginative scaley pieces complete with teacher accompaniments. The numerous ‘musical detective’ quizzes will keep every student on their toes!Enchantingly illustrated, this book adopts a friendly yet methodical approach that will ensure a rapid, musical grasp of scales in a most enjoyable way.

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Κύριο Μενού Πλοήγησης