Δημοφιλή Προϊόντα
Το υψηλής ποιότητας υβριδικό πιάνο, CELVIANO Grand Hybrid GP-310 – κατασκευασμένο σε συνεργασία με την C. Bechstein – αναπαράγει ακόμα και τις πιο λεπτές εκφάνσεις που χαρακτηρίζουν τον ήχο παγκοσμίως διάσημων grand pianos.
€3.200,00€3.500,00Άμεσα Διαθέσιμο
One Leveling Amplifier
€1.700,00€1.900,00Διαθέσιμο σε 7-15 ημέρες
Smooth and gentle compression
€2.900,00€3.100,00IGS AUDIO V8 COMPRESSOR
€2.900,00€3.100,00Διαθέσιμο σε 7-15 ημέρες
Three bands of classic analog VCA compression provide an infinite field of possibilities to shape the sound.
€3.550,00€3.700,00Διαθέσιμο σε 7-15 ημέρες
The Volfram Limiter is a dual mono version of the legendary 1176 archetype.
€2.000,00€2.200,00Διαθέσιμο σε 7-15 ημέρες
That’s all you need to compress your mix.
€2.900,00€3.100,00Διαθέσιμο σε 7-15 ημέρες
Papp – The Golden Key
#html-body [data-pb-style=JXFKS91]{justify-content:flex-start;display:flex;flex-direction:column;background-position:left top;background-size:cover;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-attachment:scroll}Δεκαέξι μικρά κομμάτια πιάνου για αρχάριους.
Ο Ούγγρος συνθέτης και δάσκαλος πιάνου έγραψε μια σειρά από εξαιρετικά δημοφιλή εκπαιδευτικά και θεατρικά κομμάτια για παιδιά.
Στο έργο αυτό ο γνωστός συνθέτης παρουσιάζει τα γεγονότα μιας ιστορίας των αδελφών Γκριμ με τη μορφή πανεύκολων κομματιών για πιάνο. Αυτή η ασυνήθιστη, ημιτελής ιστορία έχει εμπνεύσει ένα ασυνήθιστο μουσικό έργο: οι νεαροί παίκτες μπορούν να φτιάξουν τίτλους για τα τελευταία οκτώ κομμάτια και ενθαρρύνονται επίσης να σημειώσουν τις σκέψεις και τα συναισθήματά τους εμπνευσμένα από τη μουσική ή να τα εκφράσουν σε σχέδια.€14,60€16,20Papp – The Golden Key
€14,60€16,20Διαθέσιμο σε 1-3 ημέρες
Dohnanyi – Essential Finger Exercises
In these exercises I have tried to put together a material in a concentrated form, but as complete as possible, which on the one hand is sufficient for middle and higher level piano students to achieve a secure technique, and on the other hand for the trained person to ‘train’ and maintain the technique they have already acquired .’ Ernst von Dohnányi (Budapest, June 1929.)€16,50€18,30Dohnanyi – Essential Finger Exercises
€16,50€18,30Διαθέσιμο σε 1-3 ημέρες
Kurtag Játékok – Spiele – Games 1
The “Games” cycle, created for piano from 1973 onwards, was originally conceived as a piano school, in the first volumes of which Kurtág introduced children to the basic elements of piano playing and musical thinking, and, perhaps even more importantly, of informal music-making. Over the past decades, however, the cycle lost its didactic character and became more of a document about Kurtág’s composer’s workshop, which also gives us a key to his large-format symphonic, chamber and vocal works. This change is indicated by the fact that from the fifth issue onwards the “Games” cycle has the subtitle “Diary notes, personal messages”.
The often aphoristically short sentences contain rich associations relating to numerous phenomena in European music history, and for the most part they are homage or in memoriam sentences or personal, very subjective messages to friends, colleagues, loved ones and students – and about them to all music-loving people.
perpetuum mobile prelude + waltz in c
Hitting with your palms is permitted
flowers the people flowers the people
tap flowers also the stars
funnel game
with the forearms homage to Verdi
strolling around the c toene night song
small chorale
tripping, staggering
carrying, swaying, dawdling
homage to bartok
let’s fool around
lost sounds
silent talking palms homage to mariassy istvan
harmonize slowly changing
the bunny and the fox legato
Waltz clapping hand game
The stone frog slowly went flowers to the people
pleasant moments of the young fist fighter
5 small piano pieces play with three fingers
cocky csardas
tug pull
tone and cluster of melancholy overtones
small chorale
flowers the people
clay and clay grape sarabande
funnel game
scherzando homage to Beethoven
Fifths fourths palm play with overtones
knots almost in my sleep
hidden scale flowers the people
melody with twists sparrow noise
bicker mikrorondo
homage to ligeti blows
palms in side movements
Homage to Tchaikovsky
homage to eoetvoes
homage to Paganini
preliminary studies on the hoquetus
perpetual motion and once again flowers the people€26,30€29,20Kurtag Játékok – Spiele – Games 1
€26,30€29,20Διαθέσιμο σε 1-3 ημέρες
Early Chamber Music – Violin Trios
Cara, Marchetto: Frottola
Ismeretlen szerzõ (Codex Kájoni): Passamezzo Antico
Caroso, Fabritio: Il canario
Praetorius, Michael: Ballet des coqs
Negri, Ccesare: Villanella
Peuerl, Paul: Ballet
Franck, Melchior: Galliarda
Franck, Melchior: Alla tedesca
Haussmann, Valentin: Alla polacca
Scheidt, Samuel: Canon cancrizans
Ismeretlen szerzõ (Codex Kájoni): Curant
Ismeretlen szerzõ (Codex Kájoni): Bergamasca
Ismeretlen szerzõ (Lõcse): Chorea ex C
Ismeretlen szerzõ: Polonica
Cornysh, William: ‘Dal ”Hey Robin, Joly Robin”’
Tomkins, Thomas: ”’The Dance of Robin Hood”’
Byrd, William: La Volta
Purcell, Henry: Menüett
Purcell, Henry: Prelude
Purcell, Henry: Trumpet Air
Purcell, Henry: Augmentatio
Corelli, Arcangelo: Sarabanda€15,30€17,00Early Chamber Music – Violin Trios
€15,30€17,00Διαθέσιμο σε 1-3 ημέρες
Editio Musica Budapest Papp – ABC 1
You can find all pieces and excercises of the Piano ABC on this recording. The CD contains only the Primo part of the four-handed pieces.€16,30€18,10Editio Musica Budapest Papp – ABC 1
€16,30€18,10Διαθέσιμο σε 1-3 ημέρες
MARQ Marq Gesture Spot 400 Ρομποτική Κεφαλή LED (B-STOCK)
Ρομποτική κεφαλή SPOT LED με λάμπα 75W, Χρώματα 8 + λευκό, Gobos 7 + Open
Ex-demo€299,00€328,90MARQ Marq Gesture Spot 400 Ρομποτική Κεφαλή LED (B-STOCK)
€299,00€328,90Διαθέσιμο σε 1-3 ημέρες
Liszt – Piano Works Free Arrangements III II/3
This third volume of free arrangements contains three sets of pieces. The Hexameron variations were written by Liszt, Thalberg, Pixis, Herz, Czerny, and Chopin, on a theme by Bellini, and Liszt combined this unusual collection into a single work. The Soirées musicales de Rossini contains 12 pieces, and Schuberts ungarische Melodien has three. In addition, the volume features the transcription for piano of the Schubert male-voice choir piece Der Gondelfahrer, while the appendix contains the original version of Schuberts ungarische Melodien, the Mélodies hongroises. The hard clothbound copies are published as part of the New Liszt Edition, and the grey soft paper bound copies as part of the Liszt: Klavierwerke series. In both versions, excerpts from the manuscript sources precede the musical score. The prefaces to the series and to each individual volume in German and English are the same in both versions. The English critical notes are only given in the clothbound copies.€42,00€46,00Liszt – Piano Works Free Arrangements III II/3
€42,00€46,00Διαθέσιμο σε 1-3 ημέρες
Liszt – Piano Works Free Arrangements IV II/4
Ιn addition to two large sets of pieces: the Soirées italiennes based on secular songs (Mercadante and Gaeatano Donizetti), and the Konzerttranskriptionen über 10 geistliche Lieder (Beethoven and Schubert – the last of which incidentally being based on a choral piece by Schubert), the volume includes an arrangement of a romanesca melody from c. 1833. There are also two versions of the transcription of Beethoven’s song Adelaide, and the Grand fantaisie de concert based on themes from Bellini’s opera La sonnambula. In customary fashion, the edition is available in two versions: blue hard clothbound and soft paper bound. A detailed description of the sources and the critical commentary are in the clothbound edition. Both versions are illustrated with facsimiles of Liszt’s original manuscripts.€43,20€47,50Liszt – Piano Works Free Arrangements IV II/4
€43,20€47,50Διαθέσιμο σε 1-3 ημέρες
Liszt – Piano Works Free Arrangements VI II/6
Volume 35 of the New Liszt Edition contains free arrangements made between 1842 and 1845. Transcriptions of works by Alabyev, Bulakhov, Glinka and Wielhorsky attest to the composer’s journeys in Russia. Alongside them in this volume can be found two operatic paraphrases on themes by Gaetano Donizetti, a recently discovered transcription of Ernst (Herzog zu Sachsen-Coburg-Gotha), a Soriano transcription, paraphrases on national themes and songs: Canzone Napolitana, Gaudeamus igitur, and two French songs, and the Grosse Konzertfantasie über spanische Weisen presenting one melody each of three Spanish dances: the fandango, the cachucha and the jota. The appendix gives some of the more important earlier versions. An interesting feature of the volume is the first edition of the final, considerably reworked version of the Gaudeamus paraphrase.
1.Valse de concert sur deux motifs de Lucia et Parisina de Donizetti. Seconde édition2.Deux Mélodies russes. Arabesques 1. Le Rossignol, Romance de Alexandr Alexandrovitch Alabieff3.Deux Mélodies russes. Arabesques 2. Chanson bohémienne de Piotr Petrovitch Boulakhov4.Canzone Napolitana, Notturno5.Die Gräberinsel der Fürsten zu Gotha, Lied von Ernst, Herzog zu Sachsen-Coburg-Gotha6.Romance du Comte Mikail Yourievitch Wielhorsky7.Galop russe de Boulgakov – Bulhakows Russischer Galop8.Tscherkessenmarsch aus Glinkas Oper: Russlan und Ludmilla (2nd version – 2. Fassung)9.Gaudeamus igitur, Paraphrase (2nd version – 2. Fassung)10.Marche funebre de Dom Sébastien de l’opéra de Gaetano Donizetti11.Faribolo Pastour. Chanson tirée du poeme de Franconetto de Jacques Jasmin12.Chanson (Pastorale) du Béarn13.Grosse Konzertfantasie über spanische Weisen14.Feuille morte. Élégie d’apres Mariano Soriano15.Valse a capriccio sur deux motifs de Lucia et Parisina de Gaetano Donizetti (1st version – 1. Fassung)16.Romance de Comte Mikail Yourievitch Wielhorsky (1st version – 1. Fassung)17.Marcia Circassa tratta dall’opera Russlan e Ludmilla di Glinka (1st version – 1. Fassung)18.Gaudeamus igitur. Chanson des étudiants. Paraphrase (1st version – 1. Fassung)
Pages: 208
Language: English / German
Publisher: Editio Musica Budapest€37,50€42,20Liszt – Piano Works Free Arrangements VI II/6
€37,50€42,20Διαθέσιμο σε 1-3 ημέρες
Liszt – Piano Works Free Arrangements VII II/7
Series II of the New Liszt Edition contains Liszt’s free arrangements and transcriptions for the piano. Apart from one Beethoven transcription, Volume 7 contains only piano pieces based on works by Schubert. Throughout his life, Liszt respected and admired the art of Schubert, and was partial to arranging his compositions for piano, even when the Austrian composer was hardly known. This volume includes the arrangements made in 1844-46, the majority of which are piano versions of songs, and the three marches closing the volume are based on four-hand works by Schubert. It should be noted that the song Lebe wohl! was misleadingly published under Schubert’s name several times, and the composer was in actual fact not Schubert but August Heinrich von Weyrauch. Liszt could not have known this when he composed it, so this too features in the cycle 6 mélodies célebres de François Schubert.
ContentsCapriccio alla turca sur des motifs de Beethoven
6 Melodien von Franz Schubert 1. Lebe wohl! – Adieu!
6 Melodien von Franz Schubert 2. Mädchens Klage – Les Plaintes de la Jeune fille
6 Melodien von Franz Schubert 3. Das (Zügen-) Sterbeglöcklein – La Cloche des Agonisants
6 Melodien von Franz Schubert 4. Trockne Blumen – La Fleur Fanée
6 Melodien von Franz Schubert 5. Ungeduld – Toute ma vie (1st version – 1. Fassung)
6 Melodien von Franz Schubert 6. Die Forelle – La Truite (1st version – 1. Fassung)
Müller-Lieder von Franz Schubert 1. Das Wandern – Le meunier voyageur
Müller-Lieder von Franz Schubert 2. Der Müller und der Bach – La voix enchantresse
Müller-Lieder von Franz Schubert 3. Der Jäger – Le chasseur
Müller-Lieder von Franz Schubert 4. Die böse Farbe – Garde moi souvenir
Müller-Lieder von Franz Schubert 5. Wohin? – Au bord de la fontaine
Müller-Lieder von Franz Schubert 6. Ungeduld – Toute ma vie (3rd version – 3. Fassung)
Die Forelle. Lied von F. Schubert.
Franz Schuberts Märsche 1. Trauermarsch – Grande marche funebre de Francois Schubert
Franz Schuberts Märsche 2. Grande Marche de Francois Schubert
Franz Schuberts Märsche 3. Grande Marche caractéristique de Francois Schubert
Pages: 132
Language: English / German
Publisher: Editio Musica Budapest€35,00€38,50Liszt – Piano Works Free Arrangements VII II/7
€35,00€38,50Διαθέσιμο σε 1-3 ημέρες
Contents1.Bologna, J. da: Ballata 2.Dietrich, Sixtus: Duo 3.Lasso, Orlando di: Bicinium 4.Morley, Thomas: Duo 5.Praetorius, Michael: Duo 6.Ismeretlen szerző: Musette 7.Zipoli, Domenico: Pastorale 8.Pachelbel, Johann: Fuga 9.Händel, Georg Friedrich: Fuga 10.Pergolesi, Giovanni Battista: Siciliana 11.Pleyel, Ignaz Josef: Andantino & Rondo 12.Pleyel, Ignaz Josef: Rondo 13.Call, L. von: Duo in A major 14.Call, L. von: Andantino 15.Duvernoy, Frédéric: Minuet 16.Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus: Allegretto 17.Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus: Three Duos after the Opera Don Giovanni 18.Beethoven, Ludwig van: Minuet 19.Bizet, Georges: Little Fantasia after the Opera Carmen 20.Flotow, Friedrich von: Little Fantasia after the Opera Martha 21.Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Felix: Notturno 22.Schumann, Robert: Three Duos: The First Loss; Humming Tune; Wild Rider 23.Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Ilyich: March of the Wooden Soldiers; Old French Air; German Air; Italian Air