
  • Kell – 17 Staccato Studies

    #html-body [data-pb-style=FUHBHHM]{justify-content:flex-start;display:flex;flex-direction:column;background-position:left top;background-size:cover;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-attachment:scroll}17 STACCATO STUDIES S.Clar

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  • Csupor – Flute Duos for Beginners, 2

    #html-body [data-pb-style=IAM1JC2]{justify-content:flex-start;display:flex;flex-direction:column;background-position:left top;background-size:cover;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-attachment:scroll}The collection of flute duos covers all instrumental eras of the history of music starting from Jacopo da Bologna to Tchaikovsky. To make the volume more comprehensive, the editor added the arrangement for two flutes of some popular operatic and instrumental melodies such as the paraphrases of ‘Don Giovanni’ and ‘Carmen’ and the arrangement of the nocturn from ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’. Well-known and unknown melodies, fugues, dance and character pieces provide possibilities for pleasant and high-level common music making.
    Contents1.Bologna, J. da: Ballata 2.Dietrich, Sixtus: Duo 3.Lasso, Orlando di: Bicinium 4.Morley, Thomas: Duo 5.Praetorius, Michael: Duo 6.Ismeretlen szerző: Musette 7.Zipoli, Domenico: Pastorale 8.Pachelbel, Johann: Fuga 9.Händel, Georg Friedrich: Fuga 10.Pergolesi, Giovanni Battista: Siciliana 11.Pleyel, Ignaz Josef: Andantino & Rondo 12.Pleyel, Ignaz Josef: Rondo 13.Call, L. von: Duo in A major 14.Call, L. von: Andantino 15.Duvernoy, Frédéric: Minuet 16.Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus: Allegretto 17.Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus: Three Duos after the Opera Don Giovanni 18.Beethoven, Ludwig van: Minuet 19.Bizet, Georges: Little Fantasia after the Opera Carmen 20.Flotow, Friedrich von: Little Fantasia after the Opera Martha 21.Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Felix: Notturno 22.Schumann, Robert: Three Duos: The First Loss; Humming Tune; Wild Rider 23.Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Ilyich: March of the Wooden Soldiers; Old French Air; German Air; Italian Air

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  • Papp – The Golden Key

    #html-body [data-pb-style=JXFKS91]{justify-content:flex-start;display:flex;flex-direction:column;background-position:left top;background-size:cover;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-attachment:scroll}Δεκαέξι μικρά κομμάτια πιάνου για αρχάριους.
    Ο Ούγγρος συνθέτης και δάσκαλος πιάνου έγραψε μια σειρά από εξαιρετικά δημοφιλή εκπαιδευτικά και θεατρικά κομμάτια για παιδιά.
    Στο έργο αυτό ο γνωστός συνθέτης παρουσιάζει τα γεγονότα μιας ιστορίας των αδελφών Γκριμ με τη μορφή πανεύκολων κομματιών για πιάνο. Αυτή η ασυνήθιστη, ημιτελής ιστορία έχει εμπνεύσει ένα ασυνήθιστο μουσικό έργο: οι νεαροί παίκτες μπορούν να φτιάξουν τίτλους για τα τελευταία οκτώ κομμάτια και ενθαρρύνονται επίσης να σημειώσουν τις σκέψεις και τα συναισθήματά τους εμπνευσμένα από τη μουσική ή να τα εκφράσουν σε σχέδια. 

    Papp – The Golden Key


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  • Haydn – Concerto In D Major

    Haydn’s famous Concerto In D for Flute and Piano.Part of the ABRSM Flute Gtrade 7 Syllabus.

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  • Mahalo Island Series Concert Sand Dune

    Body Linden With Arched Back
    Neck Jabon
    Headstock Slotted
    Headstock Veneer Linden
    Fingerboard Mahogany
    Bridge Mahogany
    Frets 16, Nickel
    Machine Heads Vintage, Nickel Plated
    Strings Aquila Super Nylgut
    Saddle Graph Tech Nubone Xb
    Nut Abs, White
    Scale Length Concert – 379mm
    Finish Matt – Hand Finished
    With Heavy Duty Carry Bag

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  • Cohen – Violin Method, Book 2, Piano Accompaniment

    Scale And Study In G Major
    Blow Away The Morning Dew
    God Save The Queen
    Polly Wolly Doodle
    The Keeper
    Exercise For Left Hand Pizzicato
    Jimmy Crack Corn
    Exercise In Flexibility
    Oranges And Lemons
    Golden Slumbers
    Arpeggio Of G Major
    Arpeggio Exercise
    One Man Went To Mow
    The Little Sandman
    King Arthur
    Cock A Doodle Doo
    Early One Morning
    Bobby Shaftoe
    Left Hand Pizzicato Double Stopping
    Exercises For Using The Fourth Finger
    Venetian Waltz
    Sur Le Pont D’Avignon
    My Love’s An Arbutus
    Johnny Todd
    March From Scipio
    Rhythm Exercise
    The Jolly Miller
    The Flower Of County Down
    Kate Dalrymple
    Ya Ya Ya
    Scale And Arpeggio Of A Major
    Exercise In A
    First Study In A
    Eileen Aroon
    Second Study In A Major
    The Girl I Left Behind Me
    For He’s A Jolly Good Fellow
    Bowing And Rhythm Exercises
    Mountain Song
    John Brown’s Body
    Ilkley Moor
    Bowing Exercise
    Soldiers March
    The Bees
    The Yellow Rose Of Texas
    Scale And Arpeggio Of D Major
    Study In D
    The Happy Beggar
    I Had A Little Nut Tree
    A Little Child
    The Merry Peasant
    Gavotte From Ottone
    Cradle Song
    Song Of The Volga Boatman
    Dance Of The Blessed Spirits
    Folk Tune
    Rhythm Exercise
    Minuet In G
    On Wings Of Song
    Pretty Polly Oliver
    Rule Britannia
    Slumber Osng
    Le Petit Rien
    March In D
    Scottish Reel
    Rhythm Exercise Triplets
    Rustic Song
    Shule Agra
    Scale And Arpggio Of C Major
    Study In C
    March In C
    Song Of The Reap Ers
    Matemos Al Gallo
    Folk Song
    Scale Of F Major
    Arpeggio And Exercise In F Major
    My Little Hen
    Emperor Of Austria’s Hymn
    En Passant Par La Lorraine
    Bourree Form The Water Music
    Rhythm Exercise
    The Sailor’s Hornpipe
    Weggis Lied
    Scale And Arpeggio Of B Flat Major
    Study In B Flat
    With A Hundred Pipers
    Marching Through Georgia
    Cradle Song
    Lison Dormait
    Children’s Song From Japan
    Song Tune
    French Bugle March

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  • Faure – Requiem, Op.48

    Gabriel Faure’s unconventional composition Requiem has become a firm favourite in the repertoire and available here is the vocal score, for Soloists and SATB Choir with Piano Accompaniment, as edited by Desmond Ratcliffe. Gabriel Faure’s unconventional composition Requiem has become a firm favourite in the repertoire and available here is the vocal score, for Soloists and SATB Choir with Piano Accompaniment, as edited by Desmond Ratcliffe.
    The Requiem is probably the most famous of Gabriel Faure’s long works, taking him around 20 years to compose. The entire piece consists of seven movements with a total playing time of around 35 minutes. Although Faure’s mother and father both passed away in the early stages of composition, these tragic events were not the motivation for him to create the piece.Equally interestingly, this Requiem is not set to the standard liturgical text, with the wrathful ‘Dies Irae’ and ‘Tuba Mirum’ being omitted, and a lyrical ‘Pie Jesu’ and transcendent ‘Paradisum’ being added. The omissions were ordinarily opportunities for composers to showcase the dramatic possibilities of a chorus and orchestra to symbolise damnation, and so their deliberate exclusion by Faure creates a relatively calm and peaceful atmosphere, with sublime vocal harmonies and heavenly melodies.
    The work begins softly before dynamic volume and tempo changes are made throughout the piece, enhancing the solemn beauty of the voices. Stunning interplay between the Sopranos and Baritones gives way to some excellent opportunities for soloists that are perfectly married with the uplifting unison climaxes. Faure himself spoke eloquently about the Requiem, stating that his work was accurately called a ‘lullaby of death’, and that this speaks to his view that death is a positive transition, rather than a painful experience. It is this sentiment that informs the music, being melancholy but not depressing, heart-wrenching but not heart-breaking.
    Introitus: Requiem aeternam und Kyrie (Chor)
    Offertorium: Domine Jesu Christe (Baritonsolo und Chor)
    Sanctus (Chor)
    Pie Jesu (Sopransolo)
    Agnus Die (Chor)
    Responsorium: Libera me (Baritonsolo und Chor)
    In paradisum (Chor).

    Faure – Requiem, Op.48


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  • Zongoraiskola 2

    80 Pages

    Zongoraiskola 2


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  • Debussy – Clair De Lune


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  • Early Chamber Music – Violin Trios

    Cara, Marchetto: Frottola
    Ismeretlen szerzõ (Codex Kájoni): Passamezzo Antico
    Caroso, Fabritio: Il canario
    Praetorius, Michael: Ballet des coqs
    Negri, Ccesare: Villanella
    Peuerl, Paul: Ballet
    Franck, Melchior: Galliarda
    Franck, Melchior: Alla tedesca
    Haussmann, Valentin: Alla polacca
    Scheidt, Samuel: Canon cancrizans
    Ismeretlen szerzõ (Codex Kájoni): Curant
    Ismeretlen szerzõ (Codex Kájoni): Bergamasca
    Ismeretlen szerzõ (Lõcse): Chorea ex C
    Ismeretlen szerzõ: Polonica
    Cornysh, William: ‘Dal ”Hey Robin, Joly Robin”’
    Tomkins, Thomas: ”’The Dance of Robin Hood”’
    Byrd, William: La Volta
    Purcell, Henry: Menüett
    Purcell, Henry: Prelude
    Purcell, Henry: Trumpet Air
    Purcell, Henry: Augmentatio
    Corelli, Arcangelo: Sarabanda

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  • IMC Mueller – 22 Studies, Vol.2

    (Eric Simon)
    Pages: 20
    Publisher: IMC

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  • BST T621 Πυκνωτικό Μικρόφωνο

    BST Τ621, συνεδριακό πυκνωτικό μικρόφωνο με είσοδο XLR και LED ένδειξη λειτουργίας.

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  • BST GM20 Πυκνωτικό Μικρόφωνο

    BST GM20, συνεδριακό πυκνωτικό σούπερ καρδιοειδές μικρόφωνο με είσοδο XLR και LED ένδειξη λειτουργίας.

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  • BST UDR116 UHF Ασύρματο Set

    BST UDR116, ασύρματο σύστημα μικροφώνου που περιλαμβάνει ένα μικρόφωνο χειρός και έναν δέκτη μονού καναλιού UHF.

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Κύριο Μενού Πλοήγησης