
  • Seventy Keyboard Adventures With Little Monsters 2

    #html-body [data-pb-style=GYGA8OO]{justify-content:flex-start;display:flex;flex-direction:column;background-position:left top;background-size:cover;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-attachment:scroll}Ο «Κροκόδειλος του Πιάνου» (Keyboard Crocodile) αποκτά έναν τρομακτικό νέο φίλο!
    Τα δύο βιβλία μπορούν να χρησιμοποιηθούν ως συμπλήρωμα σε οποιαδήποτε μέθοδο πιάνου. Εκτός από την προσφορά υλικού πρακτικής προσαρμογής σε διαφορετικές ταχύτητες μάθησης, τα 70 κομμάτια εκπαιδεύουν στοιχειώδεις δεξιότητες και διεγείρουν τη φαντασία και την περιέργεια των παιδιών.
    ΠεριεχόμεναAngryAnother FrogBall of the VampiresBig BenBoogieChameleonChaseChimesCloudsFast WaveFox, Watch Out!GallopGhostly VoicesIce CrystalsIn the Haunted HouseIt’s Hard to Catch RabbitsLullabyMore and MoreOn the WayRainbowRambazambaSad FluteSnowSorrowStarry NightSunken CityThe Bass TubaThe Hunchback of Notre DameThe Old Locomotive Chugs ByThe Water Tap is DrippingThe Witch HexesThree WishesTrumpet and DrumWaterfallWild RideYo-Yo

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  • D’Andrea Pick Tins Classic Celluloid Heavy 351

    Collectible Tin Box
    2ea of 6 Vintage Colors
    Classic Celluloid Pick Material

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  • Vieru – Die Kinderwelt, 20 Miniaturen fur Klavier

    Anatol Vieru
    Childhood / 20 Miniatures for Piano op.20

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  • 123 Klavier Lehrekommentar, Heft 1 (German Edition)

    #html-body [data-pb-style=UV4655X]{justify-content:flex-start;display:flex;flex-direction:column;background-position:left top;background-size:cover;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-attachment:scroll}Claudia Ehrenpreis (Composer) | Ulrike Wohlwender (Composer) | Claudia Ehrenpreis (Author)1 2 3 KLAVIER, Volume 1Μέθοδος Πιάνου για  2 – 8 Χέρια
    Η 1 2 3 KLAVIER είναι μια μέθοδος πιάνου σχεδιασμένη για παιδιά ηλικίας 6 έως 11 ετών, κατάλληλη για ατομικά, συνεργαζόμενα ή ομαδικά μαθήματα.

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  • 123 Klavier Lehrekommentar, Heft 2

    #html-body [data-pb-style=VTOCIEB]{justify-content:flex-start;display:flex;flex-direction:column;background-position:left top;background-size:cover;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-attachment:scroll}Claudia Ehrenpreis (Composer) | Ulrike Wohlwender (Composer) | Claudia Ehrenpreis (Author)1 2 3 KLAVIER, Volume 2Μέθοδος Πιάνου για  2 – 8 Χέρια
    Η 1 2 3 KLAVIER είναι μια μέθοδος πιάνου σχεδιασμένη για παιδιά ηλικίας 6 έως 11 ετών, κατάλληλη για ατομικά, συνεργαζόμενα ή ομαδικά μαθήματα.

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  • Busoni – Three Pieces

    #html-body [data-pb-style=J0H45JO]{justify-content:flex-start;display:flex;flex-direction:column;background-position:left top;background-size:cover;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-attachment:scroll}Ferruccio Busoni (Composer) | Joachim Draheim (Editor)3 PiecesBusoni-Verz. 123, 196, 237 – Breitkopf Urtext

    Busoni – Three Pieces


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  • Sweelinck – Complete Keyboard Works Vol.4

    #html-body [data-pb-style=NL21D8M]{justify-content:flex-start;display:flex;flex-direction:column;background-position:left top;background-size:cover;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-attachment:scroll}Volume 4: Variations on Songs and Dances
    After the successful new publication of Scheidt’s Tabulatura nova, Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck’s Complete Works for Keyboard Instruments is Harald Vogel’s second major project at Breitkopf & Härtel. The well-known interpreter of organ music of the 16th and 17th centuries is supported by Pieter Dirksen – Dutch harpsichordist and Sweelinck researcher. Both editors guarantee the highest level of competence in terms of content.
    The transfer of Sweelinck’s notation forms (line notation and letter tablature) is eagerly awaited, which for the first time preserves the uniqueness of the primary sources. This has not been taken into account in any edition to date.
    The edition of the Complete Works for Keyboard Instruments is a scientific-practical edition in four volumes, which, in addition to new findings on performance practice, contains a detailed foreword on Sweelinck’s life and his pedagogical work.
    Esce mars SwWV 321Ich fuhr mich vber Rheine [Ick voer al over Rhijn] SwWV 322Mein junges Leben hat ein Endt SwWV 324Pavan Philippi SwWV 329Puer nobis nascitur SwWV 315Soll es sein [Poolse almande] SwWV 330Unter der Linden grune [Onder een linde groen] SwWV 325 -Allemand [Gratie] SwWV 318Die flichtig Nimphae [Vluchtige nimph] SwWV 331Pavana Hispanica SwWV 327Paduana Lachrymae SwWV 328Von der Fortuna werd ich getrieben [Engelse Fortuijn]SwWV 320Alemande de chapelle SwWV 317Balleth del granduca SwWV 319Malle Sijmen SwWV 323Passomeza SwWV 326

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  • Sweelinck – Complete Keyboard Works, Vol.2

    Sweelinck’s fantasias belong to the most ornate and elaborate contrapuntal genre of early 17th-century keyboard music. Moreover, these 20 masterful works also form the undisputed climax of this genre. The four-volume edition of Sweelinck’s “Complete Works for Keyboard Instruments” by Harald Vogel and Pieter Dirksen – which has universally won plaudits for its exemplary editorial quality – comes to a glorious conclusion with the volume of fantasias. The comments of the two Sweelinck experts also contribute to establishing the outstanding quality of the “practical source edition” which retains the special characteristics of the notation as much as possible. The volume also contains an essay by Pieter Dirksen in which he treats the important topic of the instruments in a comprehensive manner and gives the user indispensable information on this central work group.
    Fantasia à 4 (C2) SwWV 254Fantasia Ut sol fa mi (C4) SwWV 256Fantasia Crommatica à 4 (d1) SwWV 258Fantasia à 4 (d2) SwWV 259Fantasia à 4: Echo (d3) SwWV 260Fantasia [à 4: Echo] (d4) SwWV 261Fantasia Ut re mi fa sol la à 4 (F1) SwWV 263Fantasia à 4 (G1) SwWV 266Fantasia [à 2, 3 et 4 vocem] (G2) SwWV 267Fantasia re re re sol ut mi fa sol [à 2, 3 et 4 vocem] (G4) SwWV 269Fantasia [contraria à 4] (g1) SwWV 270Fantazia [à 2] (g3) SwWV 272Fantasia à 4 (a1) SwWV 273Fantasia auf die Manier eines Echo (C1) SwWV 253Fantasia [auf die Manier eines Echo] (C3) SwWV 255Fantasia (C5) SwWV 257Fantasia (d5) SwWV 262Fantasia à 4 (F2) SwWV 264Fantasia mit Bindungen (F3) SwWV 265Fantasia [Fuga 7. toni] (G3) SwWV 268Fantasia [à 3] (g2) SwWV 271Fantasia à 2, 3: et 4 vocem (a2) SwWV 274Fantasia auf die Manier eines Echo (a3) SwWV 275Ricercar del nono tono (a1) SwWV 280Praeludium pedaliter (Variante von Nr. 19) SwWV 265bCapriccio (a1) SwWV 281Ricercar à 4 (d1) SwWV 277Ricercar (d2) SwWV 278Ricercar (d3) SwWV 279

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  • Sweelinck – Complete Keyboard Works, Vol.1

    Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck (1562–1621) Complete Keyboard WorksUrtext [org(hps)]Volume 1: Toccatas edited by Harald Vogel
    EinleitungIntroductionDie Toccaten und ihre QuellenThe Toccatas and their SourcesIn Liniennotation überlieferte Werke / Works preserved in staff notation(Ausschließlich) in Tabulatur überlieferte Werke / Works preserved (solely) in tablature notationAnonymaAnhangZur Spielwiese / Playing TechniquesKritische BemerkungKonkordanz der Editionen

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  • Mendelssohn Bartholdy – Works for Piano III

    Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy (1809–1847) Complete Piano Works for Two Handsedited by Julius Rietz [pno]Volume 3
    1. Allegro molto e vivace in Bb major MWV U 132 (Op. 104/1, Volume 1)    2. Allegro agitato in B minor MWV U 123 (Op. 104/2, Volume 1)    3. Allegro vivace in D major MWV U 127 (Op. 104/3, Volume 1)    4. Presto sempre in Bb minor MWV U 117 (Op. 104/1, Volume 2)    5. Allegro con moto in F major MWV U 100 (Op. 104/2, Volume 2)    6. Allegro vivace in A minor MWV U 142 (Op. 104/3, Volume 2)    7. Sonata in G minor MWV U 30 (Op. 105)    8. Sonata in Bb major MWV U 64 (Op. 106)    9. Albumblatt in E minor (Lied ohne Worte) MWV U 134 (Op. 117)    10. Capriccio in E major MWV U 139 (Op. 118)    11. Perpetuum mobile in C major MWV U 58 (Op. 119)    12. Praeludium in E minor MWV U 157    13. Fuga in E minor MWV U 65    14. Andante cantabile in Bb major MWV U 93    15. Presto agitato in G minor MWV U 94

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  • Mendelssohn – Works for Piano II

    #html-body [data-pb-style=A0JI5QU]{justify-content:flex-start;display:flex;flex-direction:column;background-position:left top;background-size:cover;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-attachment:scroll}Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy (1809–1847) Complete Piano Works for Two Hands
    edited by Julius Rietz [pno]
    Volume 2
    1. Adagio quasi Fantasia – Presto agitato in A minor MWV U 99 (Op. 33/1)2. Allegro grazioso in E major MWV U 112 (Op. 33/2) 3. Adagio – Presto con fuoco in Bb minor MWV U 95 (Op. 33/3) 4. Praeludium I in E minor MWV U 116 (Op. 35/1a) 5. Fuga I in E minor MWV U 66 (Op. 35/1b) 6. Praeludium II in D major MWV U 129 (op. 35/2a) 7. Fuga II in D major MWV U 105 (Op. 35/2b) 8. Praeludium III in B minor MWV U 131 (Op. 35/3a) 9. Fuga III in B minor MWV U 91 (Op. 35/3b) 10. Praeludium IV in Ab major MWV U 122 (Op. 35/4a) 11. Fuga IV in Ab major MWV U 108 (Op. 35/4b) 12. Praeludium V in F minor MWV U 126 (Op. 35/5a) 13. Fuga V in F minor MWV U 106 (Op. 35/5b) 14. Praeludium VI in Bb major MWV U 135 (Op. 35/6a) 15. Fuga VI in Bb major MWV U 128 (Op. 35/6b) 16. Variations sérieuses in D minor MWV U 156 (Op. 54) 17. Allegro non troppo in G major MWV U 171 (Op. 72/1) 18. Andante sostenuto in Eb major MWV U 170 (Op. 72/2) 19. Allegretto in G major MWV U 164 (Op. 72/3) 20. Andante con moto in D major MWV U 169 (Op. 72/4) 21. Allegro assai in G minor MWV U 166 (Op. 72/5) 22. Vivace in F major MWV U 168 (Op. 72/6) 23. Variations in Eb major MWV U 158 (Op. 82) 24. Variations in Bb major MWV U 159 (Op. 83)

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  • Mendelssohn Bartholdy – Works for Piano I

    Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy (1809–1847) Complete Piano Works for Two Handsedited by Julius Rietz [pno]Volume 1
    1. Capriccio in F# minor MWV U 50 (Op. 5)    2. Sonata in E major MWV U 54 (Op. 6)    3. Andante in E minor: Sanft und mit Empfindung MWV U 56 (Op. 7/1)    4. Allegro vivace in B minor: Mit heftiger Bewegung MWV U 44 (Op. 7/2)    5. Allegro vivace in D major: Kraeftig und feurig MWV U 59 (Op. 7/3)    6. Con moto in A major: Schnell und beweglich MWV U 55 (Op. 7/4)    7. Fuga in A major: Ernst und mit steigender Lebhaftigkeit MWV U 60 (Op. 7/5)    8. Andante in E minor: Sehnsuechtig MWV U 61 (Op. 7/6)    9. Presto in E major: Leicht und luftig MWV U 62 (Op. 7/7)    10. Ronda capriccioso in E major MWV U 67 (Op. 14)    11. Phantasy in E major on an Irish Song ‘The last rose’ MWV U 74 (Op. 15)    12. Andante con moto – Allegro vivace – Andante in A major MWV U 70 (Op. 16/1)    13. Scherzo: Presto in E minor MWV U 71 (Op. 16/2)    14. Andante in E major MWV U 72 (Op. 16/3)    15. Phantasy in F# minor (Sonate écossaise) MWV U 92 (Op. 28)    16. Andante cantabile e Presto agitato in B major / B minor MWV U 141    17. Etude in F minor MWV U 125    18. Scherzo in B minor MWV U 69    19. Gondellied in A major MWV U 136    20. Scherzo a Capriccio in F minor MWV U 113

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  • Bach J.S. – 371 Vierstimmige Chorale BWV 253-438

    “It has been arranged on two systems to please organ and piano lovers. I also hope that this collection will bring you a lot of use and enjoyment. The blessed author does not need my recommendation. People were used to seeing nothing but masterpieces from him.” Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach wrote this in 1787 in the preface to the epoch-making edition of the 371 four-part chorale songs.
    In his edition, Klaus Schubert presents the famous collection taking into account other contemporary sources. In the foreword, the editor describes “a whole range of beautiful and meaningful possibilities” for making chorale songs usable in practice.
    Oh, stay with us, Lord Jesus Christ
    Oh God and Lord
    Oh God from heaven, look at that
    Oh God, hear my sighs
    Oh God, how many heartbreaks
    Oh, dear Christians, take heart
    Oh how fleeting, oh how insignificant
    Oh, what should I do, a sinner?
    All people must die
    Glory be to God in the highest
    Alone to you, Lord Jesus Christ
    Everything is due to God’s blessing
    As the benevolent God
    As Jesus Christ in the night
    As forty days after Easter
    By rivers of water Babylon
    On my lovely God
    Open, open, my heart, and you, my whole mind
    From the bottom of my heart
    I cry out to you out of deep distress
    You command your ways
    Christian is risen
    Christ lay in the bonds of death
    Christian, you are the bright day
    Christ our Lord came to Jordan
    Christ, you are day and light
    Christe, you support your cross community
    Christ we should praise already
    Christ is risen, has overcome
    Christ is my life
    Christ who saves us
    When the Lord Christ sat at the table
    Thanks be to God in the highest
    Thank the Lord because he is very kind
    the old year has passed
    The newborn child
    This is what God the Father and God the Son do
    My God did that
    The father up there
    You are three in unity
    The Lord is my faithful shepherd
    The day is so joyful
    The grace of the Holy Spirit abounds
    The night has come
    The sun has shone with its shine
    These are the holy ten commandments
    To you, to you, to Jehovah I will sing
    You, Prince of Peace, Lord Jesus Christ
    You great man of sorrows
    You, Prince of life, Lord Jesus Christ
    You, oh beautiful world building
    Because of Adam’s fall everything is corrupted
    A Mighty Fortress Is Our God
    A little lamb goes and takes the blame
    One thing is needed, oh Lord, this one
    Have mercy on me, O Lord God
    Keep us, Lord, by your word
    Encourage yourself, my weak spirit
    The wonderful day appeared
    The holy Christian has risen
    It is salvation that we come here
    It’s enough! then take, Lord
    It is certainly time
    The unwise mouth speaks
    They stand before God’s throne
    It will almost be the last day
    May God have mercy on us
    Rejoice greatly, O my soul
    Rejoice, all you Christians
    I hereby stand for your throne
    Let us jump for joy
    Praise be to you, Jesus Christ
    Be content and be still
    God the Father dwells with us
    God of heaven and earth
    God has the gospel
    God is still alive
    God be praised and blessed
    God be gracious and merciful to us
    God, you yourself are the light
    God’s Son has come
    Thank God, it’s coming to an end now
    Do you then, Jesus, have your face?
    Holy, holy
    Help me praise God’s goodness
    Lord Christ, the only Son of God
    Lord God, we all praise you
    God, we praise you
    Lord Jesus Christ, turn to us
    Lord Jesus Christ, you’re ready
    Lord Jesus Christ, you greatest good
    Lord Jesus Christ, I cry out to you
    Lord Jesus Christ, light of my life
    Lord Jesus Christ, true man and God
    Lord, I think of that time
    Lord, I have mistreated
    Lord, now leave me alone
    Lord, do not punish me in your anger
    Lord, whatever you want, send it with me
    I love you very much, O Lord
    I warmly desire it
    Dearest Jesus, what a crime you have committed
    Today, O man, is a great day of mourning
    Today the Son of God triumphs
    Help, God, let me succeed
    Help, Lord Jesus, let it succeed
    I am, Lord, in your power
    I thank you already through your son
    I thank you, God, for all your blessings
    Thank you, dear sir
    I thank you, O God, in your throne
    I rejoice in you
    I have in God’s heart and mind
    I gave my things home to God
    I call to you, Lord Jesus Christ
    You stars, you high skies
    In all my actions
    I have hoped in you, Lord
    In dulci jubilo
    God is my shield and helper
    Jesus’ suffering, torment and death
    Jesus my joys joy
    Jesus the joy of my soul
    Jesus, the joy of my heart
    Jesus, your deep wounds
    Jesus, you are my soul
    Jesus, you yourself well
    Jesus, you my dearest life
    Jesus, Jesus, you are mine
    Jesus my joy
    Jesus, be praised now
    Jesus Christ, our Savior
    Jesus, my confidence
    God has not abandoned anyone
    Come, God Creator, Holy Spirit
    Come, Holy Spirit, Lord God
    Come to me, says the Son of God
    Kyrie! God the Father forever
    Let your ear be inclined, O Lord
    Dearest God, when will I die?
    Dearest Immanuel, Duke of the Pious
    Dearest Jesus, we are here
    Praise the Lord, for he is kind
    Praise God all at once, you Christians
    Deal with me, God, according to your goodness
    My soul trembles before the Lord
    I won’t leave my Jesus, Jesus
    I won’t leave my Jesus because
    The last time of my life
    I close my eyes now
    I’m going there with peace and joy
    In the middle of our lives
    Not so sad, not so much
    Take from us, Lord, you faithful God
    Now we ask the Holy Spirit
    Now everyone thank God
    Now rejoice, all of God’s children
    Now rejoice, my dear Christians
    Now come, the Savior of the Gentiles
    Now leave us to the Lord God
    Now everything is beneath you
    Now praise, my soul, the Lord
    Now all praise God’s mercy
    Now all forests are at rest
    Now the day has ended
    O eternity, you word of thunder
    Oh God, you pious God
    O great God of power
    Oh head, full of blood and wounds
    O Lord God, your divine word
    Oh fear of heart, oh anxiety
    O Jesus, you my bridegroom
    O Lamb of God, innocent
    O man, weep greatly for your sin
    O man, look at Jesus Christ
    Oh sadness, oh heartbreak
    O world, see your life here
    Oh, how blessed you are, you pious ones
    Oh, we poor sinners
    Puer Natus in Bethlehem
    Sanctus, sanctus Dominus Deus Sabaoth
    Look, you sinners
    Decorate yourself, oh dear soul
    Rise up to your God
    Soul Bridegroom
    Be greeted, benevolent Jesus
    Be praise and honor to the highest good
    Let’s sing from the heart
    Sing a new song for the LORD
    So now, my Jesus, you say good night
    Shouldn’t I sing to my God
    Do not punish me in your anger
    A little child was born to us today
    Valet, i want to give you
    Our father in the Heaven
    Grant us peace graciously
    From the sky, that’s where I come from
    I don’t want to let go of God
    Wake up, my heart
    Awake, the voice is calling us
    Wouldn’t God be with us this time
    Why do you grieve, my heart?
    Why should I be grieved?
    How sad are you, my heart?
    Why are you, oh soul, so sad?
    What do I ask about the world?
    What God does is well done
    Whatever my God wants, it will happen at all times
    What do you want, oh my soul?
    Away, my heart, with your thoughts
    Goodbye world, I’m tired of you
    Worldly honor and temporally good
    When I’m in fear and distress
    When my hour is available
    When we are in dire straits
    Whoever trusts God has built well
    Whoever is in the protection of the Most High
    Whoever lets the good Lord rule
    Who knows how close my end is to me
    Become cheerful, my soul
    How sad you are, soul, in me
    How beautifully the morning star shines
    We Christians
    We all believe in one God
    Where God does not give his favor to the house
    Where the Lord God does not stand with us
    Where should I escape to?
    Come to your gates

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Κύριο Μενού Πλοήγησης