
  • Διαθέσιμο σε περισσότερο από 30 ημέρες

  • Solid State Logic 500 Series LMC+ Module

    The LMC+ module is the latest incarnation of an analogue processor that started life as a very humble return talkback compressor (Listen Mic Compressor) in SSL’s earliest SL 4000 series consoles.
    The SSL ‘Listen Mic’ Compressor was, throughout the 1980’s, the secret weapon in many producers’ sonic arsenal of recording techniques. Originally designed to prevent overloading the return feed from a studio communications mic, its fixed attack and release curves were eminently suitable for use on ambient drum mics. The console surgery required to gain access to the compressed output was performed on many early E Series consoles before it became a standard modification on later production systems.

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  • Solid State Logic SiX Αναλογική Κονσόλα

    SiX is a condensed professional console for use in the studio, in post-production, on stage, and for podcasting. SiX offers big console sound and an impressive set of utility features in a format that is small enough to stick in a bag a go wherever you need it. SiX is stunning value; it offers two recording channels with SuperAnalogueTM mic pres, two band EQ, an essential one knob version of the classic SSL Channel Compressor, a new two-band Channel EQ, inserts and 100mm faders.

    There is a two-knob version of the legendary G-Series Bus Compressor on the main mix bus and the unique Listen Mic Compressor on the Talkback. In mixdown mode it is a very capable twelve channel summing system that offers analogue detail, depth and width to your mixes.


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  • Solid State Logic UC1 plug-in controller

    UC1 is a hardware plug-in controller like no other. Dedicated knob-per-function Channel EQ and Dynamics controls, centre section featuring full Bus Compressor controls and authentic moving-coil gain reduction meter combine to offer the most creative, intuitive, and ultimately effective way of controlling the new SSL Native Channel Strip 2 and Bus Compressor 2 plug-ins within your DAW session.

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  • Solid State Logic 500 Series E-EQ Module

    This module has been specifically designed to operate in an
    API 500 series rack such as the API lunchbox® or equivalent. In
    common with many such modules, the nominal input/output level is
    Your new E Series EQ module is a re-implementation of two of the
    classic SSL EQ circuits, dating back to the original E Series consoles. The module defaults to the original ‘Brown Knob’ circuit that
    was standard on all early production E Series consoles but can be
    switched to emulate the later ‘Black Knob’ circuit.

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  • Solid State Logic 500 Series Stereo Bus Compressor Module

    This module has been specifically designed to operate in a 500
    format rack such as the API lunchbox® or equivalent. In common
    with many such modules, the nominal input/output level is +4dBu.
    The module is a stereo compressor, designed to provide flexible
    control over a stereo mix. The compressor design is based around
    the Bus Compressor found in the SL 4000 G Series console.


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  • Solid State Logic 500 Series VHD+ Pre Module

    The VHD+ Pre Module for the popular 500 format modular rack platform makes the uniquely versatile VHD based preamp technology from Duality, SSL’s industry leading large format studio console, available for studios of all sizes. The VHD+ Pre module is an immensely versatile recording and processing device. It can deliver ultra clean SSL SuperAnalogueTM grade recordings but also features a switchable VHD mode. SSL’s patented Variable Harmonic Drive (VHD) system uses a 100% analogue signal path to generate rich harmonic distortion.

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  • Solid State Logic 500 Series UltraViolet EQ Module

    The SSL UltraViolet 500 Series Stereo EQ takes the acclaimed minimum phase-shift EQ section from Fusion and puts it into the 500
    Series format. The UltraViolet EQ takes things a little further than
    Fusion by adding two dedicated mid-bands, with a unique Focus
    control, for ultimate EQ flexibility. An ideal partner to the legendary
    500 Series SSL Bus Compressor, the UltraViolet EQ draws on the
    SSL legacy of careful selection of frequencies and response curves
    to create a musical and intuitive EQ designed to quickly dial in a
    radio-ready sound for your mix.



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  • Solid State Logic 500 Series SiX Channel Module

    SSL channel strip processing in 500 Series format

    The SiX Channel is a simple way to add additional Mic/Line inputs
    to the line level returns of any professional audio device, including
    the Stereo channels of the SiX console. It is also a flexible way to
    create a professional modular mixer from a ‘summing’ 500 Series
    rack unit.

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  • Solid State Logic 500 Series E Dynamics Module

    This module has been specifically designed to operate in an
    API 500 series rack such as the API lunchbox® or equivalent. In
    common with many such modules, the nominal input/output level is

    Διαθέσιμο σε περισσότερο από 30 ημέρες

  • Solid State Logic UF8 Advanced DAW Controller

    UF8 is SSL’s latest studio controller, designed for today’s DAW-based production workflows and ultrafast turn-around times. An expandable 8-channel advanced DAW controller, UF8 connects engineers, producers and artists directly to the creative process, offering absolute command of their workflow and significantly accelerating the speed of audio production and content creation.


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    Το b3.6s είναι δυναμικό μικρόφωνο χειρός της btl. Πρόκειται για ένα ιδαίτερα αποδοτικό μικρόφωνο. με ήχο που θα εκπλήξει και ποιότητα κατασκευής που δεν συναντάται σε αυτήν την κατηγορία τιμής.Το σκάφος είναι μεταλικό με αποτέλεσμα να απομονώνεται ο θόρυβος χρήσης και η απόκριση συχνοτήτων καλύπτει μεγάλο εύρος.απο 50 hz εώς 15 khz. Συνεπώς.το b3.6s μπορεί να χρησιμοποιηθεί για τραγούδι.ομιλία ή ακόμα και για απόδοση οργάνου. Ο διακόπτης on/off στην μπροστινή πλευρά αποτελεί ένα ακόμα πλεονέκτημα. που σας επιτρέπει τον άμεσο έλεγχο του ήχου.Στην τιμή συμπεριλαμβάνεται θήκη μεταφοράς Τεχνικά Χαρακτηρηστικά: body:metal cable length:4.5 meters type:moving-coil polar pattern:uni-directivity frequency:50hz~15khz sensitivity:-54db±3db(1v/pa) output impedance:600 ohm±30%(at 1 khz)

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    Το ks868b είναι δυναμικό μικρόφωνο χειρός της btl. Είναι κατασκευασμένο απο ελαφρύ πλαστικό υλικό και η απόκριση συχνοτήτων καλύπτει ικανοποιητικό εύρος. Συνεπώς.το ks868b μπορεί να χρησιμοποιηθεί για τραγούδι.ομιλία ή ακόμα και για απόδοση οργάνου. Ο διακόπτης on/off στην μπροστινή πλευρά αποτελεί ένα ακόμα πλεονέκτημα. που σας επιτρέπει τον άμεσο έλεγχο του ήχου..Στην τιμή συμπεριλαμβάνεται καλώδιο 3 μέτρων.Τεχνικά Χαρακτηρηστικά: Βody: plastic cable length: 3 meter type:moving-coil polar pattern:uni-directivity frequency:50hz~15khz sensitivity:-54db±3db(1v/pa) output impedance:600 ohm±30%(at 1 khz)  

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  • Auralex Room Analysis plus Σετ ηχομέτρησης

    Το σετ περιλαμβάνει:

    1 omnidirectional (πολυκατευθυντικό) μικρόφωνο
    1 USB stick με ήχους μέτρησης των ανακλάσεων
    Οδηγίες χρήσης και ηχογράφησης των παρεχόμενων ήχων

    Στέλνετε τα αποτελέσματα (γραφήματα), φωτογραφίες και όποιες άλλες κατασκευαστικές πληροφορίες του χώρου σας διαθέτετε στην AURALEX, και σας στέλνει τους κωδικούς και την κατάλληλη διάταξη των προϊόντων της, ώστε να αποκτήσετε την καλύτερη δυνατή ηχοδιάσπαση.

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  • Auralex 2MF24 Ηχοαπορροφητικό πάνελ

    Ηχομονωτικό πάνελ για μείωση των κενών ανάμεσα στις κατασκευές. Χρησιμοποιείται κατά το στάδιο της κατασκευής και μειώνει την ανάκλαση του ήχου στα κενά των κατασκευών. 

    Το πάνελ έχει διαστάσεις 120 Χ 60 Χ 5 cm
    Έχει πυραντοχή στους 1200 βαθμούς Κέλβιν έναντι των 600 βαθμών  που διαθέτουν τα υπόλοιπα υλικά της αγοράς
    Απορροφά εξαιρετικά τις συχνότητες μεταξύ των 250Hz και των 4kHz
    Πολύ καλή απορρόφηση των χαμηλών συχνοτήτων
    Ιδανικό για τοίχους, πατώματα και ταβάνια σε studios
    Μπορεί να καλυφθεί από αποιοδήποτε ύφασμα και να χρησιμοποιηθεί ως εναλλακτική στα πάνελ ηχοδιάσπασης τοίχου


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  • Auralex J-30SH Black Φύλλο βινυλίου

     SheetBlok Sound Isolation Barrier from Auralex is a dense, limp-mass vinyl material that is about 6dB more effective than solid lead at stopping the transmission of sound. It acts as a thin, dense sound barrier layer in walls, ceilings or floors and is most effective when used as one component of a multi-layered construction scheme.
    The product is available in a 30 x 4 foot roll and helps in decoupling (floating) floors and walls. And while it’s not normally considered a finish product per se, it can be painted with latex paint. Additionally, Studiofoam 1″, 2″, 3″ or 4″ panels can be wall mounted on to the SheetBlok Sound Isolation Barrier with Tubetak adhesive.
    1/8″ thick, dense, limp-mass vinyl material that is safe and non-toxicActs as a thin, dense sound barrier in walls, ceilings or floorsApproximately 6dB more effective than solid lead at stopping the transmission of soundCuts easily with a utility knife or scissorsUse with multiple layers of dense building materials such as drywall or particle board when constructing studios, control rooms, etc.Great sound barrier for drum roomsCan be used to wrap HVAC ducting, as a removable vent noise blocker, pipe noise insulator, or under carpet/carpet pad

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