
  • BST T621 Πυκνωτικό Μικρόφωνο

    BST Τ621, συνεδριακό πυκνωτικό μικρόφωνο με είσοδο XLR και LED ένδειξη λειτουργίας.

    Διαθέσιμο σε περισσότερο από 30 ημέρες

  • BST GM20 Πυκνωτικό Μικρόφωνο

    BST GM20, συνεδριακό πυκνωτικό σούπερ καρδιοειδές μικρόφωνο με είσοδο XLR και LED ένδειξη λειτουργίας.

    Διαθέσιμο σε περισσότερο από 30 ημέρες

  • BST UDR116 UHF Ασύρματο Set

    BST UDR116, ασύρματο σύστημα μικροφώνου που περιλαμβάνει ένα μικρόφωνο χειρός και έναν δέκτη μονού καναλιού UHF.

    Διαθέσιμο σε περισσότερο από 30 ημέρες

  • BST MPR350 USB Συσκευή Εγγραφής και Ηχογράφησης

    BST MPR350, συσκευή αναπαραγωγής και ηχογράφησης που διαθέτει θύρα USB, Bluetooth και ραδιόφωνο.

    Διαθέσιμο σε 1-3 ημέρες

  • MAXTONE SX-69T/GL Σαξόφωνο Τενόρο





    ·      Σώμα:
    Ορείχαλκος / Brass με Επίχρυσο Φινίρισμα / Gold lacquer

    Επίχρυσα / Gold Plated με ένθεση λευκής πέρλας /

    ·      Ατσάλινα
    ελατήρια και πίροι

    ·      Ποιοτικά Pads /

    Καμπάνας: 153

    Σκληρή Βαλίτσα μεταφοράς, γάντια, πανάκι καθαρισμού, κρέμα συνδέσμων και λουρί

    Διαθέσιμο σε 1-3 ημέρες

  • ΜΑΧΤΟΝΕ TS-69AB Σαξόφωνο Σοπράνο




    – High F#

    Επάργυρα /
    ένθεση λευκής πέρλας /

    Ορείχαλκος /
    Επίχρυσο Φινίρισμα /

    ελατήρια και πίροι

    Καμπάνας: 90


    Σκληρή Βαλίτσα μεταφοράς και επιπλέον κυρτό λαιμό επιστομίου



    Διαθέσιμο σε 1-3 ημέρες

  • Emery & Barratt – Bass is Best Book 1

    Yorke Mini-Bass Book 1 by Caroline Emery, Rodney Slatford and others. The much-acclaimed book for beginners; aimed at young children from the age of seven, this volume is the product of Caroline Emery’s pioneering work as a leading teacher of the Yorke Mini-Bass Project. Chosen by AMEB (Australian Syllabus).
    Pages: 60 + 61
    Language: English, German
    Publisher: Yorke Edition

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  • Emery & Barratt – Bass is Best Book 2

    Volume 2 of the acclaimed, highly effective method for young beginning bassists, by English double bass pedagogue Caroline Emery. 
    Pages: 56 + 52 Language: English, German Publisher: Yorke Edition

    Διαθέσιμο σε 1-3 ημέρες

  • Bottesini – Method For Double Bass Part 2

    Out of print for most of the 20th century, this method comprises some 200 valuable progressive studies, newly edited for a four stringed instrument with revised fingering and modern notation.
    Editor: Slatford Rodney
    Score Pages: 31
    Language: German, English
    Publisher: Yorke Edition

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  • Yorke – Studies for Double Bass Vol.1

    Both volumes 1 & 2 have well over 100 short studies and exercises, some of which are five or six movement pieces, all in different keys.
    Rule Britannia
    And Now Our Little Play is Done-from The Coffee Ca
    Come Neighbours All-from The Peasant Cantata
    My Heart Ever Faithful-from Cantata No. 68
    Of Flowers the Fairest-from The Peasant Cantata
    Orchestral Study: Suite in D major
    Study in Eb
    Orchestral Study: Symphony No. 2
    Orchestral Study: Symphony No. 4
    Orchestral Study: Symphony No. 7
    A minor Major Study
    Bowing Studyin 3/8
    Semiquaver Study
    Study in D major
    Study in D minor
    Study in E minor
    Study in E minor
    Study in G minor
    Broomleigh Suite: (1) Lord Broomleigh His Alman
    Broomleigh Suite: (2) Courante
    Broomleigh Suite: (3) Sarabande
    Broomleigh Suite: (4) Ladye Broomleigh Her Pavane
    Broomleigh Suite: (5) Galliard
    Broomleigh Suite: (6) Gigue
    How Beautiful are the Feet-from The Messiah
    The Lass of Richmond Hill
    Orchestral Study: Symphony No. 4
    A major Arpeggio and Bowing Exercise
    A minor Arpeggio and Bowing Exercises
    Ab major Arpeggio and Bowing Exercises
    B major Arpeggio and Bowing Exercises
    B minor Arpeggio and Bowing Exercises
    Bb major Arpeggio and Bowing Exercises
    Bb major Scale and Exercise
    Bb minor Arpeggio and Bowing Exercises
    Bowing Exercise in 3/4
    Bowing Exercise in 4/4
    Bowing Exercise in 6/8
    E major Arpeggio and Bowing Exercise
    E minor Arpeggio and Bowing Exercises
    F major Arpeggio and Bowing Exercises
    F minor Arpeggio and Bowing Exercise
    F# major and Gb major Arpeggios and Bowing Exercis
    F# minor Arpeggio and Bowing Exercise
    G major Arpeggio and Bowing Exercises
    G minor Arpeggio and Bowing Exercise
    G# minor Arpeggio and Bowing Exercises
    Study in D minor
    Study in Half Position
    Sonata K 331
    Little Study No. 10
    Little Study No. 2
    Little Study No. 3
    Little Study No.9
    Six Little Twelve-Tone Studies
    I Attempt from Love’s Sickness to Fly
    Orchestral Study: Overture Otello
    Mock Scotch
    Study in G major
    Bowing Exercise: Crossing Strings (2)
    Gavotte-from The Gondoliers
    Orchestral Study
    Orchestral Study: The Pirates of Penzance
    Among the Men Coquets We Find-fronm The Beggar’s O
    Barbara Allen
    Barney Brallaghan
    Begone Dull Care
    Believe me, if all those Endearing Young Charms
    Bobby Shaftoe
    Britsih National Anthem
    Caller Herrin’
    Cease Your Funning-from The Beggar’s Opera
    Down Among the Dead Men
    Frere Jacques
    Irish Merrymaking
    It Was a Lover and his Lass
    Paddy Whack
    So Early in the Morning
    Strawberry Fair
    The Bailiff’s Daughter
    The Croydon Frisk
    The Curly-Headed Ploughboy
    The Dark Eyed Sailor
    The Fairy Dance
    The Grinders
    The Lincolnshire Poacher
    The Miller of Dee
    The Perfect Cure
    The Rat Catcher’s Daughter
    The Triumph
    This Old Man
    What Can the Matter Be?
    Ye Banks and Braes
    Happy Blues
    Israeli Dance
    Japanese Lullaby
    Orchestral Study: Overture Oberon
    Chromatic Study
    Study in B major
    Study in D minor
    Study in F minor
    Study in G# minor
    Arrangers: Rodney Slatford, John Walton
    Score Pages: 40
    Language: English, German
    Publisher: Yorke Edition

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  • Yorke – Studies for Double Bass Vol.2

    Both volumes include a glossary of terms, scales, arpeggios and orchestral excerpts.
    Daisie’s Dumpe
    A-hunting We Wil Go
    Gavotte and Musette
    Orchestral Excerpt: Symphony No.5
    Orchestral Study: Symphony No. 2
    Orchestral Study: Symphony No. 6
    To the Night
    To The Night
    Orchestral Excerpt: Dream of A Witches’ Sabbath
    Orchestral Excerpt: Witches’ Round Dance
    Florilège Musical No. 6
    Five Short Studies
    Mock Baroque
    Campdown Races
    The People that Walked in Darkness
    Exercise for Tone, in Fifths
    A Little Legato
    Study in Ab
    Arpeggio Study in C
    Discovering Harmonics
    Left Hand Study on the A string
    More Adventures with Harmonics
    Scale Study in C
    Storm on the E string
    Strengthen your Fingers!
    Strolling Along
    Strolling Along!
    Work for the Fingers
    Orchestral Excerpt: Overture to Ruy Blas
    A Little Study in C# minor
    A minor Arpeggio and Bowing Exercises
    Agility Study in F
    All in the Second Position
    Bowing Exercises in C minor
    C major Arpeggio and Bowing Exercises
    C minor Arpeggio and Bowing Exercises
    C# minor Arpeggio and Bowing Exercises
    D major Arpeggio and Bowing Exercises
    D minor Arpeggio and Bowing Exercise
    D# minor and Eb minor Arpeggio and Bowing Exercise
    Db major Arpeggios and Bowing Exercises
    Eb major Arpeggio and Bowing Exercises
    Exercise in B minor
    Exercise in C
    Exercise in G
    Leaping Octaves and Crossing Fourths
    Mini Melody
    Octaves and Sharps
    Off We Go!
    Slurring and Crossing in E major
    Snakes and Ladders
    Study in E minor
    A Little Melody
    A Little Melody
    Orchestral Excerpt: Eine Kleine Nachtmusik (Rondo)
    Orchestral Excerpt: Overture The Marriage of Figar
    Drinking Song
    Scherzo and Trio
    Childrens’ Song
    Bb major Arpeggio and Bowing Exercises D string
    Thirds in Eb major
    Upside Down
    Orchestral Excerpt: Overture the Bartered Bride
    Charlie is my Darling
    Charlie is my Darling
    Come Lasses and Lads
    Comin’ Thro’ the Rye
    Early One Morning
    Fieldmarshal Blucher
    German Folk Melody
    Germn Folk Melody
    High Germany
    Johne Devisonn’s Pint of Win
    Ladie Rothemayis Lilt
    Old French Song
    Old King Cole
    Old King Cole
    Sei Cara
    Sleep, My Dear Child
    The Camp of the Palace
    The Fox Jumped over the Parson’s Gate
    The Girl I left Behind
    The Keiking Glasse
    The Lincolnshire Poacher
    The Miller of Dee
    The Mountain Ash
    Six Pieces
    Flat Hunting!
    Slurs and Staccatos
    Study for Slurring
    Study in Eb
    Study in F# major
    Arrangers: Rodney Slatford, P. Stevens
    Score Pages: 48
    Language: English, German
    Publisher: Yorke Edition

    Διαθέσιμο σε 1-3 ημέρες

  • BST XL600 2x450W Τελικός Ενισχυτής

    Τελικος Ενισχυτής 2x450w 4Ohm , σταθερή λειτουργία στα 2Ohm

    Άμεσα Διαθέσιμο

  • BST XA400 AB 2X180W Τελικός Ενισχυτής

    Τελικός Ενισχυτής 2x180W 4ohm

    Άμεσα Διαθέσιμο

  • ALPINE PluggiesKids® ωτοασπίδες για παιδιά

    Τα παιδιά παίζουν και μαθαίνουν κάθε μέρα εκτεθειμένα σε διάφορους θορύβους. Δυστυχώς όμως, ένα στα οκτώ παιδιά υποφέρει από μόνιμη απώλεια της ακοής . Ο λόγος είναι ότι τα παιδιά είναι περισσότερο ευαίσθητα στο θόρυβο. Για το σκοπό αυτό, η Alpine έχει αναπτύξει τις ωτοασπίδες PluggiesKids για παιδιά ηλικίας 3-12 ετών. Οι ωτοασπίδες απορροφούν το θόρυβο του περιβάλλοντος, εμποδίζουν το νερό να εισχωρήσει στο αυτί, βελτιώνουν τη συγκέντρωση, και σε περίπτωση ταξιδιών με αεροπλάνο αποτρέπουν τον πόνο στα αυτιά από τις διαφορές της πίεσης.

    Άμεσα Διαθέσιμο

  • ALPINE PartyPlug Pro Natural Ωτοασπίδες

    Especially for music lovers, there are now the Alpine Party Plug Pro ? Natural earplugs. These earplugs have special rectilinear AlpineAcousticFilters?. This means that the music is attenuated equally at all frequencies. The music quality remains perfect and only the harmful sound is muted. It’s like you’ve turned down the volume button. In addition, thanks to the filters you also won’t have an isolated feeling, and conversations remain properly audible.he earplugs are made of soft and flexible AlpineThermoShape? material. This forms to the ear canal for optimal fit and attenuation. The material contains no silicones. As a result, the earplugs don’t itch or irritate. Alpine earplugs are easy to clean and are durable.The Alpine Party Plug Pro ? Natural comes with a handy pouch to keep your ear plugs in as standard. You can also attach the pouch easily to your key ring. In addition, every pack contains a carrying cord. Attach the ear plugs to the cord and hang it around your neck. Ideal if you briefly take out the earplugs. You can quickly and easily clean the earplugs with the supplied Alpine Clean cleaning spray (5 ml).

    Prevent hearing damage while listening music at high volume
    Retains the music quality, only the volume is lower
    Extremely natural attenuation, thanks to the special rectilinear AlpineAcousticFilters ?
    No more annoying ringing in your ears after the concert or party
    Conversations remain perfectly audible
    Optimum fit due to the soft AlpineThermoShape? material
    Barely visible in the ear
    With free pouch, handy cord and Alpine Clean cleaning spray (5 ml)
    Washable and reusable
    Transparent color
    Weight: 0,042 kg
    Dimension: 12×8.2×2.3 cm

    Διαθέσιμο σε 1-3 ημέρες

Κύριο Μενού Πλοήγησης