
  • Colledge – Stepping Stones & Online Audio

    #html-body [data-pb-style=UOHGQW0]{justify-content:flex-start;display:flex;flex-direction:column;background-position:left top;background-size:cover;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-attachment:scroll}Η σειρά Boosey & Hawkes Easy String Music από την Katherine & Hugh Colledge περιέχει τέσσερις τόμους ρεπερτορίου για νέους και αναπτυσσόμενους παίκτες εγχόρδων. Δημοφιλής τόσο σε δασκάλους όσο και σε μαθητές, κάθε τίτλος εισάγει και ενοποιεί σταθερά νέες τεχνικές, δακτυλοθεσίες, νότες και ρυθμούς για να χτίσει γερά θεμέλια.
    Το Steping Stones είναι ο πρώτος τόμος της σειράς. Το βιβλίο προσφέρει μια συλλογή από είκοσι έξι απλά κομμάτια για αρχάριους. Εισάγονται ανοιχτές χορδές, νότες των πρώτων δακτύλων και απλοί ρυθμοί.
    Οι ήχοι συνοδείας είναι διαθέσιμοι στο διαδίκτυο για όλους τους τόμους της σειράς. 

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  • Britten – Orchestral Anthology, Volume 2

    #html-body [data-pb-style=AIQEVW9]{justify-content:flex-start;display:flex;flex-direction:column;background-position:left top;background-size:cover;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-attachment:scroll}Contents: Four Sea Interludes (Peter Grimes) · Passacaglia (Peter Grimes) · Sinfonia da Requiem · Variations on a Theme of Frank Bridge.
    Study Score

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  • Wastall – Learn As You Play Clarinet & Online Audio

    #html-body [data-pb-style=N8G3WGJ]{justify-content:flex-start;display:flex;flex-direction:column;background-position:left top;background-size:cover;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-attachment:scroll}Η βραβευμένη σειρά βιβλίων εκμάθησης πνευστών του Peter Wastall είναι πλέον διαθέσιμη σε αναθεωρημένες και ανανεωμένες εκδόσεις, σχεδιασμένες να καθοδηγούν και να εμπνέουν την επόμενη γενιά μουσικών, συνοδεύοντάς τους από το επίπεδο αρχαρίων έως το Grade 3.
    Η μέθοδος LEARN AS YOU PLAY είναι χωρισμένη σε ενότητες που παρέχουν σαφείς και κατανοητές εξηγήσεις για κάθε νέο στάδιο μάθησης, προσφέροντας παράλληλα πληθώρα ασκήσεων και κομματιών για συναυλίες, διαβαθμισμένων ανά επίπεδο. Είναι εύκολη στη χρήση και φιλική προς τον μαθητή.
    Τα ηχητικά αρχεία για επίδειξη και συνοδεία, καθώς και εκτυπώσιμα συνοδευτικά κομμάτια για πιάνο, είναι προσβάσιμα online.

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  • Rachmaninoff – Sonata in G Minor, Op. 19

    #html-body [data-pb-style=V2NQ516]{justify-content:flex-start;display:flex;flex-direction:column;background-position:left top;background-size:cover;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-attachment:scroll}Η Σονάτα σε Σολ Ελάσσονα Op.19 του Rachmaninov είναι ένα λυρικά εκφραστικό και τεχνικά απαιτητικό κομμάτι τόσο για τον τσελίστα όσο και για τον πιανίστα. Οι αντιθέσεις στην έκφραση και τον χαρακτήρα σκιαγραφούνται με όμορφες μελωδίες και υποστηρίζονται από πλούσιες, ηχηρές αρμονίες, οι οποίες, συνολικά, κάνουν πραγματικά αυτό το κομμάτι να ξεχωρίζει στο ρεπερτόριο για σόλο τσέλο. Αυτό το κομμάτι χρησιμεύει ως ένας υπέροχος εμπλουτισμός στο ρεπερτόριο οποιουδήποτε τσελίστα.
    Η παρτιτούρα του πιάνου περιλαμβάνεται σε ξεχωριστό ένθετο.

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  • Rachmaninoff – Vocalise Op.34 Nr.14

    #html-body [data-pb-style=HWYCQJM]{justify-content:flex-start;display:flex;flex-direction:column;background-position:left top;background-size:cover;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-attachment:scroll}Sergei Wassiljewitsch Rachmaninoff (Composer) | Kenneth Sillito (Editor)Vocalise  Violin & Piano

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  • Wastall – Learn As You Play Flute & Online Audio

    Peter Wastall’s award-winning series of tutor books for woodwind and brass instruments, now available in revised and refreshed editions to instruct and inspire the next generation of musicians, guiding them from beginner level to Grade 3 standard. Divided into units that provide clear explanations of each new stage of learning, alongside plentiful exercises and graded concert pieces, the LEARN AS YOU PLAY method is simple to understand and easy to use. Demonstration and accompaniment audio tracks and printable piano accompaniments are accessible online.

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  • Prokofieff – Violin Concerto N.2 In Gm Op. 63 P/S

    Prokofiev’s second Violin Concerto is presented here in miniature score format and is part of the comprehensive Hawkes Pocket Scores series.

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  • Rowley – Early English Sonatinas


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  • The Russian School Of Piano Playing 2

    This edition of The Russian School of Piano Playing is divided into three separate volumes. Book 1, which is in two volumes, contains the material from Part I (48010303) and Part II (48010304) of the original Book 1. Part I takes the average student to the end of the first year, and Part II covers the second year. Book 2 (48010301) takes the student to a more advanced stage, leading him/her on to repertoire pieces.

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  • Shostakovich – Three Fantastic Dances

    These three piano miniatures composed in 1920 present an early Shostakovich and his interpretation of different traditional dance styles from a contemporary perspective. There is much of Shostakovich’s familiar lively rhythms and unusual harmonies in these youthful pieces, as well as his fascination with folk forms and melodies which would characterise many of his later works.
    3 Fantastic Dances Op.5

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  • Nelson – The Essential String Method, Double Bass Vol.3

    The award-winning Essential String Method offers an exciting advance in teaching stringed instruments, integrating musical awareness, creativity and technical development from the outset. Making their way through the series, pupils encounter an attractive selection of new tunes and arrangements on which to build their repertoire.
    The material is presented as a logical progression of musical activities involving the instrument and the voice. These make learning fun and are easily incorporated into instrumental lessons, simultaneously developing the pupil’s technical and musical abilities while reinforcing aspects of the school music curriculum.
    Developed by leading string teachers, The Essential String Method provides a proven framework that draws on recognised concepts in good teaching practice, laying reliable foundations for future musical development.
    The edition is part of the Trinity syllabus 2007 (grade 1).
    Carnival Waltz (Elliott)
    Conversation Piece (JS Bach arr Nelson)
    Doodle Day (Elliott)
    Fly like a Bird (Nelson)
    Grandfather’s Clock (Elliott)
    Hatikvah (Elliott)
    High Jump (Nelson)
    I have a Bonnet (Nelson)
    Jiggy Jessie (Howard)
    John Grumlie (Elliott)
    Lament (Thorne)
    Marching Scale (York)
    Marmaduke Mackenzie (Nelson)
    Michael Finnegan (Nelson)
    New Waltz Variations (Nelson)
    Pease Pudding Hot (Nelson)
    Poor Old John (Nelson)
    Reeling Around (Nelson)
    Shortnin’ Bread (Nelson)
    Snakes & Ladders (Elliott)
    Swinging Scale (York)
    This Old Man (Elliott)
    Tree Swing (Nelson)
    Turkey in the Straw (Nelson)
    Turn the Glasses Over (Nelson)
    Waltzing Scale (York)
    Whirlpool (Nelson)

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  • Nelson – The Essential String Method, Double Bass Vol.2

    The edition is part of the ABRSM Summer 2006 syllabus (grade 1) and of the Trinity syllabus 2007 (grade initial).
    A complete course for individual and group teaching.
    Sheila Nelson’s award-winning teaching approach available in a clearly structured progressive method covering preliminary to grade three in all stringed instruments.
    The Essential String Method – Double Bass Book 2 develops the pupil as a musician as well as an instrumentalist through an integrated programme of games, activities, songs and pieces.
    Developed by Double Bassist, Cathy Elliott.
    Cowboy Chorus (Nelson)
    Cuckoo Round (Elliott)
    Dancing Partners (Elliott)
    Echo Duet (Nelson)
    Fed Up (Nelson)
    Frere Jacques
    Goosey Goosey Gander (Elliott)
    Have a Good Time (Nelson)
    Hurricane Bill (Elliott)
    I am a River (Nelson)
    Kangaroo Dance (Elliott)
    Lavender’s Blue (Elliott)
    Let’s Have a Holiday (Elliott)
    Magic Polka (Nelson)
    March of the Alligators (Elliott)
    Marching Scale (Nelson)
    Mix-and-Match (Elliott)
    Moravian Carol (Nelson)
    Old MacDonald (Nelson)
    On the Beat (Elliott)
    Rondo Duo (Elliott)
    Seesaw (Elliott)
    Sombreros (Elliott)
    Swan Song (Elliott)
    There’s a hole in my Bucket (Elliott)
    Ticking Clocks (Elliott)
    Twinkle Duet (Elliott)
    Two Little Blackbirds (Elliott)
    Waltzing Scale (York)

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  • MARQ Marq Gesture Spot 400 Ρομποτική Κεφαλή LED (B-STOCK)

    Ρομποτική κεφαλή SPOT LED με λάμπα 75W, Χρώματα 8 + λευκό, Gobos 7 + Open

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  • Prokofieff – Visions Fugitives Eight Pieces

    Serge Prokofieff Visions Fugitives Eight Pieces For Alto Saxophone  
    Pages: 20
    Language: English 
    Publisher: Boosey & Hawkes

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  • The Boosey Woodwind Method Clarinet, Repertoire Book B

    ‘Easy pieces for beginners including music from different styles, cultures and times – classical, pop, jazz and world music. Can be used with stages 5-8 of the Boosey Clarinet Method book 1, or as a repertoire book by any beginner player. The Boosey Woodwind and Brass Method responds to the new and changing demands in teaching, designed to help make individual and group teaching easier, more integrated and more effective. The Boosey Woodwind and Brass Method provides everything you need for teaching music through the instrument. Its unique approach develops general musical skills through a programme of quality solo and ensemble music, with additional activities. Because the method is based on a clear curriculum, it provides an easy to use system for teaching and all the flexible resources you need for every situation, whether individual, group or mixed instrument teaching. This series provides a complete instrumental curriculum whilst developing technique and musicianship.
    Pages: 60
    Language: English
    Publisher: BOOSEY & HAWKES

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