Liszt – Mephisto Waltz
#html-body [data-pb-style=D1YTB2I]{justify-content:flex-start;display:flex;flex-direction:column;background-position:left top;background-size:cover;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-attachment:scroll}Όταν ο Λιστ ανέλαβε τη διεύθυνση της Court Opera στη Βαϊμάρη, πέρασε πολύ χρόνο εξερευνώντας τα έργα του Γκαίτε. Τον έλκυε ιδιαίτερα το θέμα του Faust. Χρησιμοποίησε το «Faust» του Nikolaus Lenau, ένα ολοκληρωμένο ποίημα σε 24 σκηνές, ως πρότυπο για το ορχηστρικό του έργο σε δύο μέρη «Episodes from Lenau’s Faust». Το δεύτερο μέρος, «Dance in the Village Inn», γράφτηκε αρχικά για σόλο πιάνου. Έδωσε σε αυτό το άγριο κομμάτι που δημιουργεί μια σχεδόν παραληρηματική κορύφωση τον τίτλο «Mephisto Waltz». Η σύνθεση για πιάνο σύντομα εξαπλώθηκε σε όλο τον κόσμο από μόνη της και ακόμη και σήμερα θεωρείται το βασικό κομμάτι μπραβούρα. Για πρώτη φορά, μια έκδοση του κομματιού που συντομεύτηκε και απλοποιήθηκε από τον Liszt βρίσκεται στο παράρτημα.€17,90€19,90Liszt – Mephisto Waltz
€17,90€19,90Διαθέσιμο σε 1-3 ημέρες
Beethoven – Romances for Violin and Orchestra Op.40 & 50
#html-body [data-pb-style=EYK164L]{justify-content:flex-start;display:flex;flex-direction:column;background-position:left top;background-size:cover;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-attachment:scroll}Tα δύο Ρομάντζα για βιολί και ορχήστρα σε σολ μείζονα op. 40 και Φα μείζονα op.50 είναι ανταποδοτικά σόλο κομμάτια που απαιτούν βιρτουόζικη τεχνική και καλλιτεχνική ευαισθησία. Η απλή δομή τους, με ευγενείς μελωδίες και επακόλουθα βιρτουόζους στολισμούς, τα έκανε ήδη δημοφιλή κατά τη διάρκεια της ζωής του Beethoven. Η παρτιτούρα πιάνου αυτής της έκδοσης βασίζεται στο Urtext της Πλήρους Έκδοσης Beethoven. Στον πρόλογό του στην Henle Urtext Edition, ο Ernst Herttrich προσφέρει πολλές ενδιαφέρουσες λεπτομέρειες σχετικά με τη γένεση και τη σύλληψη των δύο ρομάντζων. Οι δακτυλοθεσίες είναι του βιρτουόζου του βιολιού Wolfgang Schneiderhan. Περιλαμβάνεται και ένα τμήμα χωρίς δάχτυλα.€17,20€19,10Διαθέσιμο σε 1-3 ημέρες
Chopin – Nocturne Op.9 Nr 2 E Major
#html-body [data-pb-style=Y9W9LSE]{justify-content:flex-start;display:flex;flex-direction:column;background-position:left top;background-size:cover;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-attachment:scroll}Το Chopin’s Nocturne in Mi flat major op. 9 αρ. 2 ανήκει αναμφίβολα στα πιο αγαπημένα έργα αυτού του είδους και ίσως ακόμη και σε ολόκληρο το έργο του Chopin. Αντηχώντας το οπερατικό στυλ, η αισθησιακή μελωδία του μπελ κάντο υφαίνει αραβουργήματα ήχων που γίνονται πιο στολισμένα με κάθε επανάληψη. Το κομμάτι είναι τόσο ακαταμάχητο που έχει γεννήσει πολλές διασκευές.€7,70€8,60Chopin – Nocturne Op.9 Nr 2 E Major
€7,70€8,60Διαθέσιμο σε 1-3 ημέρες
Bach – Italian Concerto
#html-body [data-pb-style=FUBT6D8]{justify-content:flex-start;display:flex;flex-direction:column;background-position:left top;background-size:cover;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-attachment:scroll}Italian Concerto€13,10€14,50Bach – Italian Concerto
€13,10€14,50Διαθέσιμο σε 1-3 ημέρες
Chopin – Etudes
#html-body [data-pb-style=K35JKBW]{justify-content:flex-start;display:flex;flex-direction:column;background-position:left top;background-size:cover;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-attachment:scroll}Ο Chopin πέτυχε κάτι πραγματικά αξιοσημείωτο με τους δύο κύκλους των Σπουδών op. 10 και op. 25, που δημοσιεύθηκαν το 1833 και το 1837 αντίστοιχα. Μάλλον κανείς πριν από αυτόν δεν είχε συνθέσει κομμάτια τεχνικής πρακτικής που ταυτόχρονα έφτασαν σε τέτοια μουσικά ύψη. Οι Σπουδές του Chopin είναι κομμάτια χαρακτήρων γεμάτα ένταση, γραμμένα για την αίθουσα συναυλιών. Τα βιρτουοζικά έργα, συμπεριλαμβανομένων των μακροχρόνιων επιτυχιών όπως το «Revolutionary Etude» op. 10 αρ. 12 ανήκουν στο βασικό ρεπερτόριο του πιανίστα. Εκτός από τους δύο κύκλους op. 10 και op. 25, αυτή η έκδοσή Urtext περιέχει επίσης τρεις Σπουδές χωρίς αριθμό opus, τις οποία ο Chopin συνέθεσε για μια παριζιάνικη μέθοδο πιάνου το 1840.
Etude a minor op. 10,2Etude A flat major op. 10,10Etude C major op. 10,1Etude C major op. 10,7Etude C minor op. 10,12 [Revolution]Etude c sharp minor op. 10,4Etude E major op. 10,3Etude E flat major op. 10,11Etude e flat minor op. 10,6Etude F major op. 10,8Etude f minor op. 10,9Etude G flat major op. 10,5Etude a minor op. 25,11Etude a minor op. 25,4Etude A flat major op. 25,1Etude c minor op. 25,12Etude c sharp minor op. 25,7Etude D flat major op. 25,8Etude e minor op. 25,5Etude F major op. 25,3Etude f minor op. 25,2Etude G flat major op. 25,9Etude g sharp minor op. 25,6Etude b minor op. 25,10Etude A flat major KK IIb, 3,2Etude D flat major KK IIb, 3,3Etude f minor KK IIb, 3,1€31,90€35,40Chopin – Etudes
€31,90€35,40Διαθέσιμο σε 1-3 ημέρες
Bruch – Violin Concerto G minor, Op. 26
It made its creator world-famous and added a towering masterpiece to the standard repertoire: Max Bruch’s First Violin Concerto in G Minor. Bruch himself was not always overjoyed at his work’s popularity: “I can’t listen to this concerto anymore,” he once complained to his publisher Simrock, “do you suppose I’ve only written one concerto?” By now the Bruch Concerto has found a permanent place in the world’s concert halls. Henle’s edition provides not only a razor-sharp urtext for the solo part, but a preface that alone is worth the price of the volume: who could have guessed that the concerto went through a convoluted genesis with multi-layered revisions, and that some of the changes go back to the famous violinist Joseph Joachim?€31,00€34,40Bruch – Violin Concerto G minor, Op. 26
€31,00€34,40Διαθέσιμο σε 1-3 ημέρες
Schumann – Three Romances Op.94
In 1849 Schumann endowed three wind instruments with chamber music works: the clarinet with the ”Three Fantasy Pieces” op. 73, the horn with the ”Adagio and Allegro” op. 70 and the oboe with the present ”Three Romances” op. 94. However, the ”Three Romances” for oboe also appeared on the market at that time with a solo part for violin or clarinet. Violinists are certainly very happy that G. Henle Publishers have followed this idea of an alternative scoring. The manuscript, which Robert presented to his wife Clara as a Christmas gift in 1849, has not been preserved. However, it was possible to consult autograph drafts for our Urtext edition, which helped rectify many of the incongruities of the 1851 first edition.€16,90€18,80Schumann – Three Romances Op.94
€16,90€18,80Διαθέσιμο σε 1-3 ημέρες
Schumann – Sonata fis-Moll Op.11
Following Schumann’s first, evidently unsuccessful attempt at composing a “Sonata” – he only had the opening movement published under the title “Allegro in b Minor” – he tried once again in 1833. It is a well-known fact that this sonata was composed while he was in close contact with Clara Wieck, who was thirteen at the time. Individual motifs from it can be found later in Clara’s work; but by the same token, individual figures can be found in the sonata which point to Clara’s “Pièces caractéristiques”, Op. 5. in addition Schumann used an almost literal adaptation of his song “To Anna” for the second movement. We have included this in the appendix of our edition and in so doing show the roots of this composition.€29,90€33,20Schumann – Sonata fis-Moll Op.11
€29,90€33,20Διαθέσιμο σε 1-3 ημέρες
Schumann – Adagio & Allegro Op.70 Piano & Cello
In 1849 Schumann turned to a new works for piano and accompanying instrument. He showered the different wind instruments systematically with Fantasies, Romances, etc. – and always also provided an alternative part for strings. Thus Schumann also wrote an alternative part for his Adagio and Allegro, Op. 70 for Horn and Piano, namely for the cello. Clara played the new work together with the horn player E. Julius Schlitterlau, writing afterwards in her “The piece is splendid, fresh and passionate, just as I like it!” and even Schumann admitted enthusiastically that he “had had fun with it” – which is true of many musicians even today. This edition comes with both marked and unmarked string parts.€21,40€23,80Schumann – Adagio & Allegro Op.70 Piano & Cello
€21,40€23,80Διαθέσιμο σε 1-3 ημέρες
Tchaikowsky – Twelve Piano Pieces op. 40
PETER ILICH TCHAIKOVSKYTwelve Piano Pieces op. 40
In early 1878, Peter Tchaikovsky had just sent his opera “Eugene Onegin” and his Fourth Symphony on their way, but had no intention of taking a creative break. On the contrary, he immediately took up his pen and composed his Twelve Pieces op. 40 for piano. This cycle features various genres, including piano pieces typical of the epoch such as etudes, waltzes and mazurkas, but they are also joined by pieces presumably connected with Tchaikovsky’s biography. These bear titles like “Au village”, “Marche funèbre” and “Rêverie interrompe”. For this Urtext edition, it was possible to consult the autograph engraver’s copy in the Glinka Museum in Moscow, as well as rare Russian prints from 1879 and 1890, as described in detail in the preface.€24,50€27,20Tchaikowsky – Twelve Piano Pieces op. 40
€24,50€27,20Διαθέσιμο σε 1-3 ημέρες
Tchaikowsky – Six Piano Pieces op. 19
Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky numbers among the most frequently performed composers in the concert halls of the world. He had already composed two symphonies, three operas, the fantasy-overture “Romeo and Juliet” and a string quartet when he wrote his enchanting “Six Pieces for Piano” op. 19 in 1873. Each of the pieces is dedicated to one of his friends or to pianists close to him, and was individually tailored to their respective technical abilities. This Henle Urtext edition offers a preface that discusses in detail the genesis and the source situation of these piano pieces. They offer a good opportunity to get to know and love this popular Russian composer away from his best-known works.€24,50€27,20Tchaikowsky – Six Piano Pieces op. 19
€24,50€27,20Διαθέσιμο σε 1-3 ημέρες
Scriabin – Piano Sonata Nr.9 Op.68
ALEXANDER SCRIABINPiano Sonata no. 9 op. 68
Skrjabin’s 9th Sonata is often referred to as the “Black Mass”. Unlike the 7th Sonata, the so-called “White Mass”, this name did not stem from the composer. He writes: “In the ninth sonata I came closer than ever before to the Satanic …”.The mystic-dark sphere fascinated Skrjabin. Anyone who listens to this bizarre work will involuntarily become caught up in the diabolical vortex – the music heads towards the sonata’s dramatic conclusion as if being pulled in an undertow. The highly expressive work was given its first performance by the composer himself. Following its first publication he revised it, and this new edition was the primary source for our edition.€13,00€14,40Scriabin – Piano Sonata Nr.9 Op.68
€13,00€14,40Διαθέσιμο σε 1-3 ημέρες
Mozart – Piano Concerto G major K. 453
WOLFGANG AMADEUS MOZARTPiano Concerto G major K. 453
This piano concerto by Mozart presented here inaugurate an ambitious project at Henle Publishers: in the coming years many of the Salzburg master’s 23 piano concertos will be published in completely new Urtext editions. And none other than András Schiff is collaborating with us. His piano reductions are aimed at amateurs rather than professionals; his fingerings for Mozart’s solo part have been exquisitely fine-tuned and are inspiring; and where Mozart’s original cadenzas are missing, Schiff’s stylistically perfected ones have been included. In so doing we aspire to set a new precedent. The quality is not only guaranteed by András Schiff, but also by the Mozart scholars to whom Henle Publishers have entrusted their Urtext editions. Each work is edited by a specialist, according to predetermined editorial guidelines. First and foremost Mozart’s handwritten scores have been consulted, being the most important sources. In some cases these had not yet been available when preparing previous editions. Moreover, we know today that in addition to Mozart’s own manuscripts, early copies in parts and prints also contain important information regarding the musical text. A co-production with Breitkopf & Härtel, Mozart’s piano concertos are not only available as attractive and affordable piano reductions, there are also an accompanying Urtext conductor’s score, orchestral parts and a study score. This will ensure that this lavish new edition can be used in many different contexts: whether studying the solo part in a definitive Urtext edition, which reflects the latest research findings; or playing together with a second pianist, providing a piano reduction which not only sounds superb but is also easy to play; or studying and reading the pocket score and finally performing with an orchestra, using newly-prepared material.
€23,50€26,10Mozart – Piano Concerto G major K. 453
€23,50€26,10Διαθέσιμο σε 1-3 ημέρες
Beethoven – Piano Concerto op. 61a after the Violin Conc. op. 61
LUDWIG VAN BEETHOVENPiano Concerto op. 61a after the Violin Concerto op. 61
Very few musicians are aware of the fact that Beethoven arranged his violin concerto also as a piano concerto. It is only recently that some pianists have discovered this truly rewarding work. Clementi, the London composer and publisher, had heard about the première of the violin concerto and probably sensed its potential. He asked Beethoven for a piano version, which was actually also published in 1808, at the same time as the original. Several important cadenzas had been especially composed for it; the one for the first movement is accompanied by the timpani – a unique and original touch! Our edition (piano reduction and study score) contains the text from the Complete Edition of Beethoven’s Works.
Piano reduction, Urtext Edition, paperbound2 Pianos, 4-handsTwo copies needed for performance€34,50€38,30Διαθέσιμο σε 1-3 ημέρες
Beethoven Werke – Kadenzen zu Klavierkonzerten, VII 7
#html-body [data-pb-style=I42DHJX]{justify-content:flex-start;display:flex;flex-direction:column;background-position:left top;background-size:cover;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-attachment:scroll}Ludwig van BeethovenSect. 7, Vol. 7 | Cadenzas in the Piano Concertos
Piano Concerto no. 1 in C major op. 15: first cadenza, 1st movement Piano Concerto no. 1 in C major op. 15: second cadenza 1st movement Piano Concerto no. 1 in C major op. 15: third cadenza, 1st movementPiano Concerto no. 2 in B flat major op. 19: cadenza 1st movement Piano Concerto no. 3 in C minor op. 37: cadenza 1st movement Piano Concerto no. 4 G major op. 58: first cadenza, 1st movementPiano Concerto no. 4 G major op. 58: second cadenza, 1st movement Piano Concerto no. 4 G major op. 58: third cadenza 1st movement Piano Concerto no. 4 G major op. 58: first cadenza, 3rd movement Piano Concerto no. 4 G major op. 58: second cadenza, 3rd movement Piano Concerto no. 4 G major op. 58: third cadenza, 3rd movement Piano Transcription of the Violin concerto in D major op. 61a: cadenza 1st movement Piano Transcription of the Violin concerto D major op. 61a: Transition: 2nd to 3rd movement Piano Transcription of the Violin concerto in D major op. 61a: first cadenza 3rd movement Piano Transcription of the Violin concerto in D major op. 61: first cadenza, 3rd movement Piano Concerto in d minor K. 466 by W.A. Mozart: Cadenza 1st movement WoO 58,1 Piano Concerto in d minor K. 466 by W. A. Mozart: Cadenza 3rd movement WoO 58,2€58,00€64,40Διαθέσιμο σε 1-3 ημέρες
Scriabin – Piano Sonata no. 6 op. 62
ALEXANDER SCRIABINPiano Sonata no. 6 op. 62
A work of transcendent beauty and rich programmatic allusions, Skrjabin’s single-movement sixth Piano Sonata is a highly expressive product of the composer’s final outburst of piano music. This edition, by the renowned Skrjabin scholar Valentina Rubcova (Moscow), is based on the early printed editions and the composer’s virtually complete autograph manuscript.€15,50€17,20Scriabin – Piano Sonata no. 6 op. 62
€15,50€17,20Διαθέσιμο σε 1-3 ημέρες
Scriabin – Piano Sonata no. 7 op. 64
ALEXANDER SCRIABINPiano Sonata no. 7 op. 64
Skrjabin called his seventh sonata “White Mass”, drawing attention to the mystical basis that is stamped on all his late works, including this one. He attempts here to translate into sound his ideal of a “mystery” – a “Gesamtkunstwerk” of artistic, theological and philosophical ideas. Its aim, as stated in his own words, is the raising up of the human spirit. No longer is the formal scaffolding of the work based principally around that of sonata form, but around the idea of “evolutionary development from chaos to ecstasy”. This edition is the first to be based on the autograph, which is today in a private collection in the USA.€17,50€19,40Scriabin – Piano Sonata no. 7 op. 64
€17,50€19,40Διαθέσιμο σε 1-3 ημέρες
Scriabin – Piano Sonata no. 8 op. 66
ALEXANDER SCRIABINPiano Sonata no. 8 op. 66
In his last years, Skryabin realized a noble and great idea. Inspired by his study of theosophical writings, he dreamed of joining music, poetry, mime, architecture, light, colour and even aromas to create a “Gesamtkunstwerk”, and thus elevate human beings to a higher level of consciousness. This “Mysterium” was never completed, but his late piano sonatas – conceived as preliminary studies – enable us to see what moved Skryabin. He spent a particularly long time working on his eighth sonata and proofread it intensively; but later quite a few mistakes still found their way into it. Thanks to the autograph and the first edition, ambiguous passages have now been cleared up and corrected in our Urtext edition.€19,00€21,10Scriabin – Piano Sonata no. 8 op. 66
€19,00€21,10Διαθέσιμο σε 1-3 ημέρες
Haydn – Complete Piano Sonatas Vol.3
#html-body [data-pb-style=K7W57DH]{justify-content:flex-start;display:flex;flex-direction:column;background-position:left top;background-size:cover;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-attachment:scroll}Joseph Haydn (Composer)Complete Piano Sonatas III
Ανάμεσα στο εκτεταμένο έργο του Haydn είναι ένα σχεδόν ανεξάντλητο απόθεμα σονάτες για πιάνο. Με περισσότερα από 50 συνολικά έργα, αποτελούν ένα σημαντικό τμήμα της συνολικής παραγωγής του. Ένα από τα μεγάλα επιτεύγματα αυτού του συνθέτη είναι ότι σε αυτές τις σονάτες –όπως και σε πολλά άλλα είδη, όπως οι συμφωνίες και τα κουαρτέτα εγχόρδων– ο Haydn γεφυρώνει διαφορετικές στιλιστικές εποχές και βάζει τον θεμέλιο λίθο για την κλασική σονάτα για πιάνο.Ο τόμος III ξεχωρίζει για τα έντεκα αξιολάτρευτα και σημαντικά κομμάτια του. Πέντε από αυτά είναι σε δύο κινήσεις, συμπεριλαμβανομένης της Σονάτας που παίζεται συχνά σε σολ μείζονα Hob.XVI:40.Τα έντεκα κομμάτια είναι όλα αριστουργήματα, μεταξύ των οποίων η ελάσσονα Sonata Hob.XVI.34, η E-flat major Sonata Hob. XVI:49 και μια δεύτερη E-flat Major Sonata (γραμμένη στην Αγγλία), Hob. XVI:52, αξίζουν ιδιαίτερης προσοχής.
Sonata D major Hob. XVI:33Sonata e minor Hob. XVI:34Sonata G major Hob. XVI:40Sonata B flat major Hob. XVI:41Sonata D major Hob. XVI:42Sonata A flat major Hob. XVI:43Sonata C major Hob. XVI:48Sonata E flat major Hob. XVI:49Sonata C major Hob. XVI:50Sonata D major Hob. XVI:51Sonata E flat major Hob. XVI:52€29,00€32,20Haydn – Complete Piano Sonatas Vol.3
€29,00€32,20Διαθέσιμο σε 1-3 ημέρες
Haydn – Complete Piano Sonatas Vol.2
#html-body [data-pb-style=HNSVCLE]{justify-content:flex-start;display:flex;flex-direction:column;background-position:left top;background-size:cover;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-attachment:scroll}Ανάμεσα στο εκτεταμένο έργο του Haydn, οι σονάτες για πιάνο αποτελούν έναν αστείρευτο θησαυρό. Με περισσότερες από 50 σονάτες, αυτές οι συνθέσεις καταλαμβάνουν ένα σημαντικό μέρος της συνολικής του δημιουργίας. Ένα από τα μεγαλύτερα επιτεύγματά του είναι η ικανότητά του να γεφυρώνει διαφορετικές στιλιστικές εποχές, τόσο στις σονάτες του όσο και σε άλλα μουσικά είδη, όπως οι συμφωνίες και τα κουαρτέτα εγχόρδων, καθιερώνοντας έτσι τα θεμέλια της κλασικής σονάτας για πιάνο.
Ο Τόμος ΙΙ περιλαμβάνει τρεις σειρές από έξι σονάτες, που συνέβαλαν στη διάδοση του Χάιντν στο ευρύ κοινό, είτε μέσα από έντυπες εκδόσεις είτε μέσω επαγγελματικών αντιγράφων. Αυτές οι συλλογές, χρονολογούμενες από τη δεκαετία του 1770, περιέχουν μερικές από τις πιο γνωστές και αγαπημένες του σονάτες, όπως εκείνες σε Ντο μείζονα, Ρε μείζονα και Σολ μείζονα (Hob. XVI:35, 37 και 27).
Ξεχωριστή θέση κατέχει η σονάτα σε Ντο ελάσσονα, Hob. XVI:20, η οποία κλείνει τη συλλογή. Με το έντονο πάθος και την εκφραστικότητά της, προαναγγέλλει την τολμηρή μουσική γλώσσα του Μπετόβεν, αποτελώντας μια από τις πλέον εμβληματικές σονάτες του Haydn.€31,00€34,50Haydn – Complete Piano Sonatas Vol.2
€31,00€34,50Διαθέσιμο σε 1-3 ημέρες
Chopin – Piano Concerto no. 2 f minor op. 21
FRÉDÉRIC CHOPINPiano Concerto no. 2 f minor op. 21
Chopin composed his piano concertos around 1829/30, which means that to a certain extent they are the climax and conclusion of his student years in Warsaw. Both works are early masterpieces with which Chopin celebrated great triumphs on his first concert tours abroad, and to this day the popularity of these piano concertos has remained unbroken. The Concerto in f minor – the first to be written – was not published until 1836, when Chopin was already firmly established in Paris. Compared with the e-minor concerto the source material is profuse: along with first editions and student copies, the edition has also made use of what might be called a “half autograph”, in which the orchestral parts stem from an unknown scribal hand, while the piano solo part is written by the composer himself. The piano reduction also makes use of contemporary sources: this is an edition that offers Urtext quality at the highest level.€21,50€23,90Chopin – Piano Concerto no. 2 f minor op. 21
€21,50€23,90Διαθέσιμο σε 1-3 ημέρες
Beethoven – Piano Sonatas, Vol. 1
The two-volume Henle Urtext edition of Beethoven’s piano sonatas (HN 32 and HN 34) has established itself over the decades as the standard and reference edition among pianists worldwide.
After its publication in the early 1950s, under the responsibility of the Munich musicologist Bertha Antonia Wallner – with the support of the Bonn Beethoven Archive – this outstanding edition was quickly recognized by the pianist world as setting a benchmark. The decades of hard practical testing led to improvements and refinements, so that today this Henle Urtext edition of Beethoven’s piano sonatas is considered an undisputed reference.
The printed fingerings of the pianist and important piano teacher Conrad Hansen are considered an important suggestion for solving technical-musical problems: “as few but advanced fingerings as possible” (Hansen).
Alternatively, G. Henle Verlag offers the Beethoven sonatas in the printed Urtext without any fingering (HN 1032 and HN 1034), as well as a pocket score in the Study Edition series (HN 9032 and HN 9034). And in the digital edition of the “Henle Library” app, anyone interested can also find the sonatas, here combined with various subjective, selectable fingerings, namely by Eugen d’Albert, Claudio Arrau, Conrad Hansen and Artur Schnabel.
Beethoven’s 32 piano sonatas present us with an almost inexhaustible wealth of pianistic-musical flights of fancy, mostly works that are very well-known in lessons, on stage and in recordings.
Hans von Bülow emphasized the importance and value of Beethoven’s piano sonatas with his bon mot, they represented the “New Testament of Music”. These are deliberately the 32 sonatas with opus numbers; The 3 “Elector Sonatas” by the 13-year-old boy, WoO 47, are not considered to be part of the “New Testament”. These are available separately from Henle in Urtext (HN 255). G. Henle Verlag also offers each Beethoven sonata as a Urtext individual edition (printed or in the app).
The characteristics of the Beethoven piano sonatas summarized in the Henle Urtext:
Always up-to-date scientific-critical Urtext edition based on all available sources
Music text optimizations as a result of ongoing commitment in musical practice
All important information about text passages in footnotes on the sheet music page
Unrivaledly beautiful and correct music image thanks to traditional hand engraving
with fingering suggestions from Conrad Hansen (alternatives in the app)
available in two anthologies with fingering, paperback or cloth
available without fingering, paperback
each sonata also available separately (printed and app)
In order to meet the growing need for more annotated Urtext editions, but also to document the eminent Beethoven knowledge of one of the greatest living pianists of our time, Murray Perahia, G. Henle Verlag has been gradually publishing all Beethoven books for some time now. Sonatas in a parallel Urtext edition, the Perahia edition.
Sonata in F minor op. 2.1
Sonata in A major op. 2.2
Sonata in C major op. 2.3
Sonata in E flat major op. 7
Sonata in C minor op. 10.1
Sonata in F major op. 10.2
Sonata in D major op. 10.3
Sonata [Pathétique] in C minor op. 13
Sonata in E major op. 14.1
Sonata in G major op. 14.2
Sonata in B flat major op. 22
Sonata in A flat major op. 26
Sonata in E flat major op. 27.1
Sonata (Moonlight Sonata) in C sharp minor op. 27.2
Sonata [Pastorale] in D major op. 28€56,00€62,10Beethoven – Piano Sonatas, Vol. 1
€56,00€62,10Διαθέσιμο σε 1-3 ημέρες
Mozart – 12 Variations on “Ah, vous dirai-je Maman” Kv265
Only very few works in the piano literature have become as popular as this theme with twelve variations. Mozart’s popularity began soon after his death, as evidenced by numerous handwritten copies and prints.
There is no certain information about the circumstances of its origin. “Ah, vous dirai-je Maman” has now been conclusively dated to 1781. At that time, Mozart wanted to succeed as a prominent piano teacher in Vienna. His variations remain an excellent teaching work to this day.
Our edition has been fundamentally revised and now also offers an extremely informative foreword by Mozart expert Ulrich Konrad. A facsimile of the work based on Mozart’s manuscript has also been published by Henle (HN 3213).€9,90€11,00Διαθέσιμο σε 1-3 ημέρες
Rachmaninoff – Corelli Variations Op.42
Rachmaninoff wrote his well-known piano cycle in 1931, at a time when his great works for piano solo and the piano concertos had already made him very famous. Yet it is by no means the “work of an old man”. The composer’s variations on the theme “La folia” (taken from a sonata by Corelli) are like a series of fireworks on the piano. He once drily said to a friend, “All this mad running about is necessary in order to efface the theme”. Did Rachmaninoff succeed in silencing “la folia” – i.e. the “madness”? Why not see for yourself!€22,60€25,10Rachmaninoff – Corelli Variations Op.42
€22,60€25,10Διαθέσιμο σε 1-3 ημέρες